Koko Nut's photos with the keyword: pretty

tiny silvery spider

16 Aug 2015 8 2 835
this tiny beauty was gracing the Hot Cocoa rose. I have to admit, I much prefer sneaking up on them than having them sneak up on me.

purple shamrock blossoms

bee on ecchinacea

Fuchsia on black

01 Jul 2014 2 3 580
from the miniature Fuchsia in the garden.


18 Jun 2014 1 1 370
a fascinating flower, I just love how the little pillow-shaped buds open into various colours.

Mandevilla Square Crop

14 Jun 2014 2 1 308
trying a texture for a change. Thanks Parée Erica

two of a kind

28 May 2014 2 4 592
Zephyranthes, or Zephyr Lily, or Rain Lily, or Fairy Lily, or Fairy Flower. These beauties bloom several times a season, usually after a strong rain which follows a dry spell. I keep them in a flower pot as they don't overwinter outdoors here. I have succeeded in forcing them to bloom a few times during the winter, too! What a lovely sight in the house during those long dreary months of short days. And in the summer the pot moves outdoors to enjoy the sun and blooms many more times. I originally was given 5 bulbs, of which 3 died off the first winter, but I now have at least 12! At most I have had 7 blooms at one time. It might be time to split them up and re-pot. Of course that means giving them away, any takers?

Zephyr Lily 2014-03-16

22 Mar 2014 4 2 427
So here I sit, with another foot or so of snow piling up outside, even though it is officially Spring. Thank goodness this little beauty brought some colour into the house last week and offered me a little something bright to work with. Can someone please explain to me how this "global warming" is causing a mini ice age?? this Winter is never-ending!!!


16 Feb 2014 2 2 534
digging through the archives to find some reminders that summer will come again.

Lantana sq

10 Nov 2013 2 3 380
summer days are behind us now, thank goodness for the archives!!

Hardy hibiscus on white (2013)

08 Sep 2013 5 2 355
These gigantic flowers are so wonderful! They are hardy enough to overwinter in my garden and treat me to an exotic profusion of dinner plate sized beauties every August. This year they lasted a little longer than usual.

lantana in sunshine

07 Sep 2013 6 1 369
I am a huge fan of these pretty little wonders. I love how they bloom in multiple colours. and how each little flower starts out looking like a tiny little pillow.