Graham Hughes' photos with the keyword: microfilm

Maungatapere Vegetables

20 Sep 2015 3 2 521
© Graham Hughes 2015 All Rights ReservedEOS 10s SLR, Canon 70-200, Fujifilm HR2 Microfilm, developed in Tanol 10mins. Straight scan and invert and slight level adjust.The sepia result is the inversion of the slight blue of the scan.

Wet Afternoon In Maungatapere New Zealand

20 Sep 2015 2 468
© Graham Hughes 2015 All Rights Reserved EOS 10s SLR, Canon 70-200, Fujifilm HR2 Microfilm, developed in Tanol 10mins. Straight scan and invert and slight level adjust. The sepia result is the inversion of the slight blue of the scan.

When Jabba The Hut Hid In A Mangnolia Tree

13 Sep 2015 4 2 548
© Graham Hughes 2015 All Rights Reserved Silver gelatin print, 8 x 10ish unknown expired paper, Camera EOS 10s, Lens Hellios m42 44-2. Film Fuji HR2 Microfilm, exposed @ iso 6. developed for 10mins in Tanol 1+1+100 I am posting this not because its a stunning image, but because it represents the beginning of an exciting film journey. I was kindly given several 100ft rolls of this Fuji HR2 microfilm to try by a friend. I had to find a camera to use this unperforated film. No sprocket holes Mum. This was from a rushed shot to finish a film and start working on developing the stuff. This tree was blowing in the wind and the light was dull. I think it may have been a 6 second or more exposure..........not very good at notes. I have spent today at Gallery259 developing a few rolls....the best are hanging up drying as I type.......this is lovely film, almost seems grainless......very pleased with this print. Exciting journey unfolding. Developed in Wolfgang Moersch Tanol for 10 mins. Shot at iso 6.