ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: wmf

One love a day - #008: Happy easter!

08 Apr 2007 739
Cause you shouldn't see everywhere just these painted eastereggs - but I couldn't push away that it's easter - you see a synonym of my easter - my egg piercer by wmf which was hard to photograph cause the mattened steel (and the focustrouble with reflecting materials). Had used it very often the last days... Wish you a happy easter - with or without these painted eggs. :-) Edit: Maybee the same designer than in Strange bollards ? ;-) See where this picture was taken. [?]


05 Oct 2006 934
It's going to the cold time so I've getting ready to drink more tea than coffee.. Something I would buy for years was on of these tea infuser - in germany called tee-ei (translated by word: tea-egg cause the first of them looking like an egg). Today I've get one by WMF, and it looking quite good. OK, it haven't look nice but it would be if it... ;) www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/10/05/es-ist-teezeit/ See where this picture was taken. [?]


05 Oct 2006 871
And it really looked nice - build of cromargan and nicely lighntning. www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/10/05/es-ist-teezeit/ See where this picture was taken. [?]


05 Oct 2006 731
And it really looked nice - build of cromargan and nicely lighntning. www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/10/05/es-ist-teezeit/ See where this picture was taken. [?]


05 Oct 2006 818
OK. It's ready now! And... let me say... it smells GREAT! www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/10/05/es-ist-teezeit/ See where this picture was taken. [?]


05 Oct 2006 897
So I've to test it if it really worked (and smells) good as everybody talked about - I am traditionalist by teacooking so I've used a typicalle teanet since now... OK, I've filled my new tea infuser with nice wild-cherry which taste nicelly fruity - so I don't remembered that outside it's actually cold and rainy... remembering this smells of this kind of tea from laying in the green on a lake in summer - smells a little bit like hay but that's great with the cherry.. www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/10/05/es-ist-teezeit/ See where this picture was taken. [?]


05 Oct 2006 883
OK, the show begins - the water get colored, the auras begin to work - and I couldn't await it to drink. But good tea need some time before.. so I had to wait another minute... www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/10/05/es-ist-teezeit/ See where this picture was taken. [?]

It's tea-time!

05 Oct 2006 985
And not even it smells nicely - the taste are very good, too. I am acquire a taste for it - again. As I said - during summer I usually drink more coffee than tea - but when the days get shorter and the night beginn at 6pm I would like to enjoy to drink more tea than ever before - and I thougt just yet it was the right time to begin the tea-season... cherry.. hmjam, Next day I would tryout some kind of "winter-tea" even it's early fall - putting some cinnamon in it (which I need to buy first) - remembering that from last year... Generally I remembering much things during tea-time... could be fact that you would see the next times very thoughtfully pictures by and of me - but time will tell :) BTW: Buy your own tea infuser if you haven't one now - it's great! And - drink more tea. ;) www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/10/05/es-ist-teezeit/ See where this picture was taken. [?]