ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: hole

A hole!

22 Feb 2007 873
Sometimes I thougt my rooms are full of holes. The fact that they ARE a hole was one which I already known but these holes get babies - there are everyday a few more of them. Hopefully the house don't collapsed cause the swiss cheeseholes in it...

And there is - another hole...

22 Feb 2007 883
Sometimes I thougt my rooms are full of holes. The fact that they ARE a hole was one which I already known but these holes get babies - there are everyday a few more of them. Hopefully the house don't collapsed cause the swiss cheeseholes in it... See where this picture was taken. [?]

A hole

22 Apr 2007 2 1 1076
Für Gruppe guesswherehamburg. Für Gruppe "Theme of the week": Theme View through a hole . Mal was einfaches für zwischendurch für Leute, die ebenfalls nicht schlafen können oder aber auch am heutigen Sontagmorgen früh genug aufstehen mussten, damit sie dann wenigstens mit einem Erfolgserlebnis in den Tag starten können. :) Mehr wie ein, maximal zwei Rateversuche sollte es eigentlich nicht benötigen, dafür sieht man zuviel... Ich kann jetzt aber erstmal ins Bett gehen, bis Sonntagmittag ergo keine Auflösung oder -bestätigung durch mich. Domino: Kreisrund.

Day #042 - There's a hole in my sleepingroom...

20 Feb 2007 612
Again a photo about the subject of "sleeping" - but now there's a hole in the floor and top of my sleepingroom... The craftsmen do it to put the heatingpipes throw it... I smell the dust of my neighbours cigarettes- it blows in my room throw this little hole. :-( See where this picture was taken. [?]

A hole, there´s a hole!

20 Feb 2007 572
...for the heating-pipes. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Day #031: The hole

31 Jan 2007 545
The building in which I live gets renovate- the workers begin at 8 am and worked till 4pm - today the workers stemmed a hole at every floor at the staircase. It was loudly and dusty, and it wake me up. :-( In a few days they would begin their work inside my flat (apartment) - and I dread it...

The backyard during renovation

The fundament of my new balcony