ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: hot

Knocked out

26 Apr 2007 854
Me, laying in the green. Knocked out by the temperature - 28°C (82°F) in the middle of April aren't normal and I wear the wrong clothes for this temperature so I could just lay on the grass. OK, I could put the clothes away (just the sweater of course) - but - hey! We just had April and I could get sick laying on the grass without it. ;-) See where this picture was taken. [?]

Weather in April, Hamburg/Germany

25 Apr 2007 840
Any questions? And these aren't the hottest days, we allready had 83°F in early April. The last significant rain we got in the middle of March. Some forests are locked cause the possibly of forest fires - they are parched. Usually we had these conditions in the end of summer. "Normal" spring - conditions for middle europe, LOL...? But I wouldn't say to much about that issue cause then it WOULD be rainy next days. It's OK to lay in the sun...

Summer in winter

16 Nov 2006 802
Today, on November 16th, we have strange conditions in Hamburg- one of the hottest days of November ever. 16 Grad C (61°F) was not the usually temperature for this decade - and nearby of the temperature on colder summerdays... www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/11/16/mitte-november-und-16c/

Summer in winter II

26 Nov 2006 879
And as you can see the temperatures on the preview picture aren´t an exception. Last evening, at 10:20 pm it was still 59 degrees F. Hello?! It was the 25th of november, aren't usually winter?! It should be about 20°F here and now, not 59...Instead of trying to construct a snowmen by kids the ate icecream outside... in winter... in WHICH winter?! www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/11/26/immernoch-sommer/

Die Vermarktung lässt die zarte Pflanze eingehen

28 Jun 2007 1101
FC St. Pauli Vermarktungs GmbH & Co. KG ist ein Pflanzenmörder! FC St. Pauli Vermarktungs GmbH & Co. KG kills plants! They should do marketing for this soccerclub - but are unable to take some water to their plants. Hopefully my club never dry up as these floret.. ;-(

Weather in Hamburg/Germany from July 20 to July 24…

28 Jun 2007 812
Still hot (with chance the hottest day these year), so I couldn't sleep, don't want to go outside for shopping. I'm now hungry so my cooler needs some content - actually inside: just frozen water... OK... wheres the number of the pizzaservice...?

07050008 really hot air

28 Jun 2007 739
Need some feet- bathing to cooling of - it's 35°C (95°F) in my room - only bearable with a cooling-fan and a tank with some cold, freshing water...

Will now be rainy in Hamburg

28 Jun 2007 878
No rain since days - and about 30°C - 34°C every day - now it will be rainy in the next few days and it will be cooling of a little bit - and that's really great for me! Nachdem heute mit 34°C und wolkenlosem Himmel der bisher heisseste Tag des Jahres war, wird es in den nächsten Tagen endlich wieder etwas erträglicher - und regnerischer... Dafür kann man vielleicht auch mal wieder schlafen - hier im Schlafzimmer sind es momentan schlappe 37°C, das ist doch ganz erträglich.... wenn die Füsse im Wasser stehen und man einen Ventilator besitzt - beides dem Versuch einzuschlafen nicht so sonderlich förderlich... Aktuelles Wetter: Wetterstation in Hamburg, Germany Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.07.2006 at 18:20:00 Lokale Zeit. Temperatur Temperatur: 32 °C Windchill: 32 °C Beschreibung: Fair Taupunkt: 10 °C Wind Geschwindigkeit: 3 km/h Richtung: SO Böen: k.A. UV Index: 1 Risiko: Low Luftdruck Druck: 1013.9 hPa Zustand: unveränderlich Sonne Sonnenaufgang: 04:58:00 Sonnenuntergang: 21:51:00 Andere Luftfeuchtigkeit: 26 % Sicht: 10.0 km www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/07/05/sonne-34c-und-mehr/