Kieran Turner's photos with the keyword: kieran turner

Birthday in Glasgow

09 Oct 2005 81
Sarah, Mhairi, me & Vicky, somewhere amidst the Frank Sinatra sing-along, the kamikaze cocktails, and Troy. Go Brad! Get a backbone Orlando! Taken with a stupendous bit of balancing of a cameraphone on a till receipt and a coaster, providing a bonus reflection which looked utterly convincing on the phone's screen... ;) (And uploaded from that phone — woohoo, it works!)

Dinner in the forest

30 Jun 2005 83
Playing a special game known as "find the vegetarian bit"! On my right is Tonia who runs the "Our Generation" youth group with whom I was attending the festival. Quite a lot of people thought she was my sister! Taken by Anya


30 Jun 2005 80
(At the border between Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus) No man's land! Taken by Tonia

My first orange!

09 Jan 2006 92
My first orange which I actually picked from its tree, that is! I have a horrible feeling I'd accidentally wandered into a part of the Royal Palace – which I certainly shouldn't have been in – and that this may have been a treasonable offence. Certainly, shortly afterwards I was chased off by a bunch of kids who chucked oranges at me, but I decided to chuck one back and it turned into a game :) Just to add to the overall fruitiness of the thing, the camera is sitting on the ground, propped up by – yes, you, guessed it – orange-peel!

Don't go to bed until they're through!

11 Nov 2005 129
The title is what a very senior person (ahem, naming no names) said to the local Vice Consul. Border of Greece and the Republic of Macedonia, July 1999, en route to Kosova. But that's not so much the point of this upload, I just like my "Michael York" look in the photo! ;) Taken with a fairly old Nikon (don't remember which) with a 50mm on Kodak Plus-X, by Suzi. For technorati, the telephone is my old Ericsson T28, which – like the T39 I was to have a bit later – was an excellent phone I wouldn't object to having back again. Infinitely more reliable, and nicer to handle, than any phone I've had recently.

self-portrait, lift

Baby racoon!

12 Nov 2005 98
Okay, this set of photos is very random, I admit it. This one's a baby racoon called Eddie. He's just spotted a particularly tasty acorn.

Me, Warren & Mickey

25 Jul 2005 124
Waz gives Mickey a sloppy birthday kiss :)