Kieran Turner's photos with the keyword: branches

Garden party

24 Nov 2011 85
Close to fireworks night, a friend invited me to a party with fireworks at his house in London. I had no idea I would be treated to a substantial fireworks display attended to by characters from Thunderbirds, followed by a snippet of Pirates of Penzance !

Chopped logs

23 Mar 2008 114
Sefton Park, Liverpool, just next to the old aviary. As I was taking this, an elderly couple walked past, arm in arm (which always makes me smile; to think of relationships lasting a lifetime). The lady asked, in a marvellously broad Scouse accent, "Why d'you think that man's taking pictures of those logs?" :-)


23 Mar 2008 109
Sefton Park, Liverpool. The park is currently in the midst of a major renovation project, and the main lake is being de-silted. The most obvious result so far is a large number of very bewildered-looking ducks wandering around the neighbourhood!

Gnarly trunk

23 Mar 2008 86
Sefton Park, Liverpool. The park is currently in the midst of a major renovation project, and the main lake is being de-silted. The most obvious result so far is a large number of very bewildered-looking ducks wandering around the neighbourhood!

Lazy tree

23 Mar 2008 68
Sefton Park, Liverpool — opposite the old aviary. The park is currently in the midst of a major renovation project, and the main lake is being de-silted. The most obvious result so far is a large number of very bewildered-looking ducks wandering around the neighbourhood!

Hog babies play-fighting (2)

09 Nov 2007 66
I swear I haven't Photoshopped those apparent antlers on! Check them out larger .

Hog babies play-fighting (1)

09 Nov 2007 74
I swear I haven't Photoshopped those apparent antlers on! Check them out larger .


13 Nov 2005 144
En route to Kosova, from the top of one of the amazing Pindas mountains in Greece as we wound around the twisty roads. A shot showing somewhere near where i was standing is here . Taken on the old faithful Pentax ME-Super, 50mm (f1.7) lens, yellow filter, Kodak Tri-X. Sorry about film scanner losing the highlights!

Looming limbs

23 Mar 2008 67
Sefton Park, Liverpool. The park is currently in the midst of a major renovation project, and the main lake is being de-silted. The most obvious result so far is a large number of very bewildered-looking ducks wandering around the neighbourhood!

Many-trunked tree

26 Apr 2008 58
I apologise for the colourising, but I couldn't find another way to make this photo stand on its own. I wanted to share the tree with you, though. Also, marvellously, the reclining trunk is where I imagine Cardinal Richelieu may once have lain.