Kieran Turner's photos with the keyword: cathedral

Unexpected Liverpool; marina, III

16 Dec 2008 71
At first glance at this pic, I thought for a moment that there was a horrible moire pattern on the red boat, but it's actually a reflection of the ripples in the water :)

Unexpected Liverpool; marina, II

16 Dec 2008 69
I say "unexpected" because it took me months to stumble upon it. Liverpool is associated with docks, of course, and the famous Albert Dock has been restored for the tourists and a few small boats. But there are dozens of other docks, and the main roads tend to be separated from them by wonderful old warehouses and factories. It was exploring these that led me to find this rather posh little marina hidden away in the south-east of the range of docks.

Cathedral graveyard

Reflected light

07 Aug 2010 120
This is me & Hazel in the midst of our "photo treasure hunt" around London. My attempts to capture St. Paul's reflected in the fragmented bezel of a jeweller's display under the Oxo Tower were about as successful as they sound like they should have been (not very) but I'm really pleased with this alternative. It's directly shot at the outside of the window of the Tate Modern's upstairs coffee shop ( i.e. looking in). Reminds me that I've not yet got a polariser for any of the Nikon's lenses. Hmm.

Cathedral cloister residents

22 Jan 2009 104
From Barcelona's "other" cathedral (not the Gaudi one). Taken with a disposable film camera.

Saintly row

26 Apr 2008 93
Rouen Cathedral is full of wonderful statues of saints, all with realistic faces, and crude paper labels...


26 Apr 2008 75
Rouen Cathedral is full of wonderful statues of saints, all with realistic faces, and crude paper labels...

Christ on high

26 Apr 2008 59
It's the distance I love, and the mist in it. The tour guide insisted on setting up camp right in front of where I was trying to get this shot, and not moving for what seemed like... ever. So, she ends up in the photo, which may or may not add to it, so I don't really mind!

Angel wings

26 Apr 2008 76
It's the distance I love, and the mist in it.

Angels and devils

26 Apr 2008 51
The little devil has bellows!

To the library

26 Apr 2008 55
Almost Escher.

Girl with dog (headless)

26 Apr 2008 61
I'm told this is odd. I don't know why it's litugically odd, but I agree that it is!

Cathedral through window

26 Apr 2008 48
There are a few shots of this spire, because it's fabulous, but also because I couldn't quite decide the best photographic treatment to attempt.

Rouen Cathedral 4; close

26 Apr 2008 50
There are a few shots of this spire, because it's fabulous, but also because I couldn't quite decide the best photographic treatment to attempt.

Rouen Cathedral 2; far, blues

26 Apr 2008 56
There are a few shots of this spire, because it's fabulous, but also because I couldn't quite decide the best photographic treatment to attempt.

20 items in total