Kieran Turner's photos with the keyword: mirror

Random self doing the Internet odd-photo thing

23 Jan 2008 119
I have no idea why I think it's a good idea to upload this to flickr. But I've done it now, I think it's the hair in front of the lens I kinda like. I suppose I was capturing the moment. Was in the process of getting outrageously drunk, safe in the knowledge that one of my friends was up for (and trained for!) installing a saline drip to fend off the hangovers... no, really...

Working and work

Last chance to see?

11 Jun 2008 184
I like to think I gave this mirror one last useful function in life ;)

Colliding scope

26 Oct 2007 117
A giant kaleidoscope in the cute "My space" display downstairs at the National Portrait Gallery in London. I didn't centre the camera in the kaleidoscope's window, because I wanted to still have a reflection of my face — hence the odd angle. Can you spot me? How many times? ;)

Bristol's own atomium


24 Mar 2006 73
Well, it was about time I uploaded this one. I always love when you can see the shutter opening through the lens in mirror shots like this... naked camera... kind of a feedback thing going on. Well, *I* like it, anyway! ;)

Reflected light

07 Aug 2010 120
This is me & Hazel in the midst of our "photo treasure hunt" around London. My attempts to capture St. Paul's reflected in the fragmented bezel of a jeweller's display under the Oxo Tower were about as successful as they sound like they should have been (not very) but I'm really pleased with this alternative. It's directly shot at the outside of the window of the Tate Modern's upstairs coffee shop ( i.e. looking in). Reminds me that I've not yet got a polariser for any of the Nikon's lenses. Hmm.

Claire (and Jon)


28 Apr 2008 186
It's the shadow on the floor that I most like here, although the significant difference between the received image and the reflection interest me too — enhanced by the knowledge that there's yet a third perspective from outside of the window.

Claire... and co.

Playing with reflections in the café

26 Apr 2008 61
I'm in this photo three times (at least). In the mirror, in the copper jug, and – unexpectedly – refracted (?) in the glass, too.

watching me watching you

15 Jul 2007 86
California. Convertible. Click. Clearer bigger . If you'd like to see the photos from my North American trip in chronological order, so my bloggish narrative makes more sense, then please view them through the set, here .


15 Jul 2007 69
This is Bekah, an old old friend from waaaaay back at Sussex Uni, who I've just been visiting. In case you're seeing these photos in photostream (rather than recommended set ) order: I'd actually gone to Québec, but my tiny European sense of scale figured that it made sense to also try to fit in New York and Los Angeles...

19 items in total