Keith Burton's photos with the keyword: dragonfly

Female Common Darter Dragonfly

23 Jun 2022 20 24 156
I'm pretty sure i have the ID correct.............but if you know different, please let me know. This appeared in my garden.........sitting on the end of a bamboo pole, which I use for staking flowers. I don't have a pond in my garden, the only water is a couple of bird-baths, and as far as I know none of my near-neighbours have ponds either, so I was surprised (but pleased) to see this. It only stayed a few moments and I just had time to dash indoors, grab my camera and take a couple of shots. I hope it comes back at some stage :-)


15 Sep 2019 23 19 252
I'm pretty sure this is an immature male Ruddy Darter. Captured in my neighbour's garden.

Common Darter

23 Aug 2018 6 8 138
Taken in my garden :-) Best viewed large, on black. Thank you.

Emperor Dragonfly

30 Aug 2014 2 2 293
My wife spotted this on a plant in our front garden this afternoon. Just had time to grab the camera and get a few shots before it moved off. Not sure what it was doing there as I always thought they hung about near large, well vegetated ponds and lakes. The only water near my house (apart from a bird bath) is a small pond in a neighbours garden a couple of hundred meters away! To be honest, it seemed a bit sluggish, but it flew away OK!

Emperor Dragonfly

30 Aug 2014 3 2 289
My wife spotted this on a plant in our front garden this afternoon. Just had time to grab the camera and get a few shots before it moved off. Not sure what it was doing there as I always thought they hung about near large, well vegetated ponds and lakes. The only water near my house (apart from a bird bath) is a small pond in a neighbours garden a couple of hundred meters away! To be honest, it seemed a bit sluggish, but it flew away OK!

Emperor Dragonfly

30 Aug 2014 3 4 280
My wife spotted this on a plant in our front garden this afternoon. Just had time to grab the camera and get a few shots before it moved off. Not sure what it was doing there as I always thought they hung about near large, well vegetated ponds and lakes. The only water near my house (apart from a bird bath) is a small pond in a neighbours garden a couple of hundred meters away! To be honest, it seemed a bit sluggish, but it flew away OK!

Emperor Dragonfly

30 Aug 2014 4 2 294
My wife spotted this on a plant in our front garden this afternoon. Just had time to grab the camera and get a few shots before it moved off. Not sure what it was doing there as I always thought they hung about near large, well vegetated ponds and lakes. The only water near my house (apart from a bird bath) is a small pond in a neighbours garden a couple of hundred meters away! To be honest, it seemed a bit sluggish, but it flew away OK!


16 Sep 2011 184
Taken at WWT Arundel. I never seem to have a Macro lens with me when I need it :D


10 May 2010 171
Didn't have my macro lens with me, so had to use the 70-200. Reasonably pleased with it, all things considered.