Keith Burton's photos with the keyword: spring

Spring Blossom & a Bee

09 Mar 2025 20 32 57
I spotted this gorgeous blossom (& bee) in Victoria Park, Portsmouth, Hampshire during a walk. Please check out the PiP for another image of the blossom. Thanks!

Apple Blossom

03 May 2024 20 22 160
Taken in my garden. Have a good weekend everyone..!!

Spring Growth

20 Mar 2024 24 28 117
This is the Viburnum plant in my garden.

Spring Snowflakes

17 Feb 2024 18 28 109
Taken in my neighbour's front garden.


10 Feb 2024 19 37 145
My first decent sighting of daffodils this my local churchyard. Could spring be on the way?? Thank you to everyone who has visited my photo-stream lately, especially those who have left a comment or a yellow star. Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Spring Snowflake (+PiPs)

27 Feb 2023 20 40 153
So far this year I have been unable to find any decent looking Snowdrops to photograph. However, my neighbour has a lovely patch of Spring Snowflakes in her garden, which I was allowed to access. These are much easier for me to photograph as they grow taller than snowdrops and I don't have to get so low down :-)) There are a couple more shots in the PiPs including a close up look at the inside of the flower (for which I used my 60mm macro lens).

Crocus (+ PiP)

21 Feb 2023 24 32 199
This image and PiP posted for the latest Macro Dreams Challenges group theme : Flowers or Petals. Will also fit earlier themes; Gold, Spring, The Inside of Something, Flower Heart, Five or More.


31 Mar 2022 37 55 394
From my garden.........photographed indoors in natural light. The background is a sheet of black card. Please view large on black if you have the time. Thanks for looking. Macro Dreams Challenges: Spring, Nature's Poetry, multiple.

Spring Snowflakes

10 Mar 2022 26 29 162
Tabletop photography again. The are from a small patch growing in my garden..........I tried to photograph them outside but it was far too windy. I think they're lovely :-) The background is not as clean as I would have liked, but overall I'm happy with this. I really need to sort out some proper lighting. Thanks for looking.

Crocus (again)

14 Mar 2021 26 15 197
I really like the colours and stripes on this one.

Miniature Daffodils

28 Feb 2021 18 18 147
Another image from the patch of land surrounding our Civic Centre..........this time a lovely group of miniature daffodils sitting at the base of a tree.

Crocus (2)

07 Feb 2021 17 12 148
Two photos today both taken in my local cemetery last Friday, during a brief period between rain showers.

A Branch of Blossom

26 Mar 2019 13 11 274
Lovely pink and white flowers. Spring is definitely upon us!

Spring Growth

21 Mar 2019 22 19 380
Green leaves on green bokeh.

Pine Cones

20 Mar 2019 19 17 367
That lovely out-of-focus background is made up of grass, daisies and fallen pine cones.

Pine Cone

18 Mar 2019 13 10 292
On a Red Pine tree. Still a bably, but growing fast. It's a male, apparently.

Baby Birds?

09 Mar 2019 20 22 423
I thought these little pussy willows looked like a row of baby green parrots sitting on a branch! Taken yesterday before it started raining again!

25 items in total