Justfolk's photos with the keyword: 1781


01 Aug 2017 96
A flock of a couple of dozen starlings and bluejays descended on our neighbourhood this morning. They came especially for the worms and moths in the trees. But they were also just flying around, showing off to one another. This jay was hide-n-seeking on a neighbour's roof.

Our junco

01 Aug 2017 93
As much as this may look like a single picture of two birds, it is two pictures of one bird, taken a couple of seconds apart. On the right, the mother had just arrived and was checking out her surroundings. She then hopped into the nest she and her partner built two weeks ago. Every morning for four mornings there was another egg but they stopt at four. Whew. Their nest has made watering the hanging pot (of bacopa and begonia) more difficult than it would otherwise be. But we're trying to help out the young family. Today about two dozen blue jays and starlings came into the garden, en masse and excited, gorging on the moths and worms in the trees. One of the jays seemed especially curious about the pot. We shooed him off. If you look closely, it is not hard to see the join between the two pictures. I didn't try to match the details.