Justfolk's photos with the keyword: Expired film

Duff's Supermarket

10 May 2019 94
In, I think, the late 1950s, this building was built as a supermarket, the first in the city. It was a neighbourhood grocery for my family. And the family who owned it lived upstairs in what must have been an impressively large apartment. Eventually, they moved out and the supermarket closed, and the building became a drugstore downstairs and doctors' office upstairs. Now, sixty years after it opened, it's being torn down to be replaced by a modern drugstore building. This film, labeled Black's Premium Film, rated ISO 100, was manufactured in Japan so it was probably a Fuji film. The package says it expired in July 1996, so it was about 25 years old when I loaded it in my new-to-me Pentax Super Program camera and shot it (at ISO 50) this past week. The camera's not too bad, but the film suffered from its age.

Underpass, 1994

11 Jan 2019 2 2 185
When originally built, this bridge carried a highway over the railway (here) and a river (below). Then the railway was torn up and made into a pleasant walking trail. In the nearly 25 years since this picture was taken, these concrete walls have become one of the most important graffiti testing grounds in the city. Perhaps I should go back and take a picture today. This was 1983-expired Tri-X Pan in my Great Wall slr in October 1994.

Three old friends

16 Sep 2018 81
Two weekends ago, I spent an evening in a friend's backyard with dozens of others, some of whom I had not seen in decades. I see two of these fellows fairly regularly but I had not seen the one in the middle in about forty years. It was good to laugh and fill in the gaps. In my Balda CE35, and with its flash, I shot three rolls of expired film, two of which expired in 2001, plus this one (Kodacolor GA100). This roll had been retrieved from an old cupboard by a friend who said it had been there since the 1980s. I believe him. I couldn't get much of a decent picture here in colour, but in b&w it isn't too bad.

International 828 Film Day results

04 Sep 2018 82
Last week, August 28th, was International 828 Film Day. I loaded some decade-and-a-half out-of-date Fuji 200 film into my Flash Bantam 828 camera andshot about two dozen pictures. The trouble was that I should have only had about eighteen. I had not secured the film on the take-up spool. Duhhhh. So, the 30th, I secured the film and took about a dozen pictures. None was as satisfying as the ones I missed. Here are two. I exposed by guess, but all the while aiming at about ISO 60. The long gap between the frames is due to the rough way I wound the film between frames: three half turns is what I estimated and gave it. The orange echos of the sprocket holes are a refractive artefact of my scanner -- I seem to get them whenever I try I include sprocket holes. Oh well. For all its faults, I am glad I gave my 828 a workout on its day. And, I *just* noticed the two signature marks (upper right side) in the Bantam's frame.

Nephew and niece-in-law, newly hitched

22 Aug 2018 80
I was at my nephew's wedding last weekend and took about fifty pictures on film. I was using my little Balda CE35 pocketable camera loaded with Fuji NPS 160 film that expired in August 2001. I got the developed film back today. This is my favourite of the film pictures -- the bride and groom at the dinner table posing for the only *colour* film photographer present. (Another nephew of mine, a cousin of the groom, had his Nikon slr loaded with b&w film.) Most people were using telephones and digital cameras.

Steve, twice

21 Apr 2018 72
Last fall my Chinese friend, Tingting, brought me a Chinese folding 6x6cm camera, the Hongmei HM-1. I immediately loaded it with film, but was slow to finish the roll. I finally got it developed this week, in April. I shot these two pictures of Steve when he visited my office in, I think, November. They were shot on oldish Kodak Portra 400 film and I guessed at exposure based on it being about ISO 200 now. After scanning it and spotting out all the dust (my house is in mid-renovation. . . ), I figured it would look better as b&w.

First shot in the Hongmei HM-1

03 Nov 2017 80
Ting-ting kindly brought for me, from China, a perfect Hongmei HM-1, a folding 6x6 or 6x4.5cm camera. I immediately loaded it with some old XP-2 film I had (expired March 2004!) and I estimated the light for a rating of 200. It could have stood a couple more stops but it wasn't bad. Here is the first shot I took with it, the giftor, Dr Ting-ting herself. The camera has two red windows, one for 6x4.5 and the other for 6x6. As long as you remember which negative frame you chose (with "barndoors" at the film plane) it is easy to move from one picture to another. The Hongmei HM-1 is a solid camera, with a nice 35mm-style winding lever, too. I'm looking forward to giving it lots of use. Ilford 120 film, however, is notorious for having frame numbers that are nearly illegible through red windows, and I wound the film right to frame six before I noticed the numbers passing. So the first half of the film was blank. Then I poorly estimated the light in the room, so this is the best of the shots, though not bad for a first attempt with the camera. I have a roll of somewhat fresher Portra 400 in it now and look forward to its results.

S visiting

03 Nov 2017 2 78
I finally had this roll of Fuji Superia 1600 developed this week and am well pleased with the shots on it. I shot most of it in June and July, like these of S visiting my office and regaling me with stories. (S, btw, is a good photographer but she doesn't want to move to Flickr from her comfortable position on that site for square shots beginning with the letter I.) The 1600 film was outdated in April 2007. I shot it in my Konica Eye 2, one of the half-frame cameras made in the 1960s for people who wanted to be, uhhh, economical with their film. "Cheap" is what people who thought they were serious photographers called them. I think half-frame cameras are great. I scanned the two images on the left together but, although the third was adjacent on the negative, I had already cut the strips between #2 and #3. So I had to bring them back together in PSP and in so doing realised I had scanned with different exposures. Thus I had to do some colour correction to make the three images as similar as they are on the negatives.

Betrothal announced

26 May 2017 95
Hardly anyone goes past this spot, so I thought I might help the troth-pledgers get the word out by passing it along. I saw it for the first time myself this week and almost a year has passed. I wish Vic and Steph all good things in their life together. . 2001-expired Fuji 200 film (shot at 100 in my newly acquired Nikkormat body, with my old Nikkor 28mm lens).

Wedding plans

24 Jan 2017 1 101
My nephew and his girlfriend decided over Christmas to get married next summer. The evening we ate together, Old Christmas Day, was largely spent by them in making plans. This is twelve-years-expired Fuji 400 film, shot at 200 in the auto-exposure Ricoh Elnica. It's a pleasant little rangefinder; maybe I'll take it to their wedding.


20 Jan 2015 83
Glen and I went to the same elementary and high schools though I didn't knew him really well back then. In his professional life he was a musician and a radio producer, and our working paths crossed from time to time. We also share friends so our social lives cross pretty frequently, too. I took this picture in August 2001 in my then-office using a 25-year-old cartridge of b&w film in the Kodak Instamatic Reflex camera. I can't remember what I developed it in, probably in Ilfosol since I liked that so much at the time. I saw the negatives yesterday and scanned them; this is the best shot on the roll. Glen retired last year and is enjoying a lazier life now; I am still working.


11 Feb 2014 1 3 50
Both Saturday and Sunday were good walking days. The temperature was way down (way down for here: minus 8 or so) but almost windless and mostly sunny. Olympus XA. Fujicolor 100 film, expired 2011. Image ill-treated digitally by adding a black layer to tone down the colours.

Slob ice

10 Feb 2014 1 69
This was late this morning at Brigus (or Brigus South as the maps say). The air temperature was about minus 8 degrees Celcius. What's that? About 18 degrees F. Fuji 100 film (which expired three years ago) in my Olympus XA.

126 Overlappy Panorama

31 May 2013 118
Ah! Since it was brought up. . . . On that same roll of expired-in-April-1989 Kodak VR-G 200 film, I have these three shots (numbers 2 - 4 on the roll). The first shot on the roll was cut in half by light exposure in the lab; it sits to the left of these but actually represents a bit of a fourth that could have been at the right. I didn't move it into the picture since these three are really adjacent to one another on the film. This ancient VR-G film doesn't hold its colours very well but what's left can be transformed into a reasonable b&w image. This is just the red channel. Very grainy. Poor resolution. But fun. Shot in the Instamatic 500 which allows me to overexpose easily. This was shot at about ISO 50.