Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: rooster

A Perfect Union – Pucifer the Store, Main Street,…

Homage to Portugal – Napoléon Street at boul St-La…

The Rooster Got Your Goat? – Golden Gate Park, San…

A Rooster of the Mosaic Persuasion – The Ferry Bui…

Le Caveau was Here – Victoria Street at Avenue du…

01 Dec 2013 656
When I visited the site in 2012, this rooster-themed weather vane was all that remained of Le Caveau, a gem of a French restaurant that was the perfect place for a McGill student on a tight budget to take a date for a bit of a splurge. Now closed, this intimate restaurant was curiously sandwiched between a series of high-rise buildings, a fact explained by history. Le Caveau had been there since 1949 serving authentic French cuisine in an Edwardian building unchanged since it was built in 1919. Everything from doorknobs to tables and tablecloths, floral design wallpapers, and wood windowsills was first generation. I fear that the space has since been levelled and turned into a parking lot. Le Caveau offered good value for the money. Lunch hour was particularly busy as patrons from area offices rushed to partake of the table d’hôte menu. True to its southern French culinary roots, every part of the animal was served: kidneys, liver – the list of offal goes on. But an array of fresh seafood and poultry was also available. Desserts were notable as well, especially the non-French but very Québec maple sugar pie. It also featured a small but carefully selected, list of primarily French wines from major as well as lesser-known vintners.

Chanticleer – State Street, Ithaca, New York

30 Oct 2013 1 937
In the words of one local blogger: "The Chanticleer saloon has long reigned at the corner of West State and South Cayuga in downtown Ithaca. It’s one of those no-nonsense, down-and-dirty bars that, despite being situated in plain sight, seems clandestine and somewhat anonymous. Well, as anonymous as a bar with a big neon chicken outside it can be. There are chickens inside to: pictures, statuettes, wallpaper. There’s also a long bar, a red pool table, a jukebox and a wooden phone booth. They don’t serve food of any kind; just hard drink. According to some, the neon chicken is actually landmarked. Dates from 1947. Whoever founded this place must have loved him some roosters. The place is actually called the Chanticleer Lounge, for the record. But lounge seems pretty high-falutin’ for this dive."

Rooster – Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum, Tona…

Rooster Head – Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum,…