Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: finch

Zebra Finch – Bloedel Conservatory, Queen Elizabet…

"I'm Sitting on Top of the World" – Bloedel Conser…

22 May 2012 254
"I’m sitting on top of the world, Just rolling along Just rolling along. I’m quitting the blues of the world, Just singing a song Just singing a song." - Popular Song from 1925

Cordon Bleu Finch – Bloedel Conservatory, Queen El…

02 Jun 2012 2 385
The Cordon Bleu finch is a delicate songbird. They are also called Cordon Bleu Waxbills, so named for their cone shaped bill that is often bright red, similar to the colour of sealing wax. Unlike other finch species, both males and females will sing. During their courtship dance, the male will hold a piece of nesting material in its beak while singing a beautiful song to the female. All the while he jumps up and down, then back and forth on his perch. The female will follow his lead, by jumping up and down and encouraging him by taking the nest material. They will then take this material and weave a tunnel shaped nest to lay and incubate their eggs.

Strawberry Finch – Bloedel Conservatory, Queen Eli…

Orange Bishop Weaver Finch – Bloedel Conservatory,…