Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: moss

On the Stump – San Francisco Botanical Garden, Gol…

Near the City of Gold – Mosaïcultures Internationa…

22 Jul 2014 1 924
Abitibi-Témiscamingue is located in northwestern Québec, Canada, along the border with Ontario. The region's landscape features mixed forest to the south across the Témiscamingue area while boreal forest covers the northern section. Its economy is dominated by logging, mining and agriculture. Gold was discovered in the area in 1923; one of the main towns of the region is called Val d’Or – French for "Valley of Gold." Val d’Or’s entry in the Mosaïcultures Internationales competition is unique. The sculptures depict a family of moose at rest. The moose are covered in moss and boreal lichens which are extremely common in the region. Lichen consist of two very distinct organisms: a fungus, which constitutes most of what is visible, and a microscopic alga or cyanobacterium that lives on its surface in a symbiotic relationship. Each needs the other to survive. Boreal lichen are extremely sensitive to air pollution and therefore can serve as pollution bio-indicators The scultures were produced by primary school students in the Val-d’Or’s working under the supervision of their art teacher. For a description of the art of Mosaiculture and of the Mosaïcultures Internationales de Montréal competition, please turn to the first photo in this series at:

Collecting Moss – Japanese Garden, Portland, Orego…

16 May 2014 2 450
A Japanese garden seeks to realize a sense of peace, harmony, and tranquillity and to experience the feeling of being a part of nature. Three of the essential elements used to create the garden are stone, the "bones" of the landscape; water, the life-giving force; and plants, the tapestry of the four seasons. Japanese garden designers feel that good stone composition is one of the most important elements in creating a well-designed garden. Japanese gardens are asymmetrical in design and reflect nature in idealized form. Traditionally, human scale is maintained throughout so that one always feels part of the environment and not overpowered by it.

"Moss Always Points to Civilization" – UBC, Vancou…

23 Mar 2012 338
The quote is from SpongeBob SquarePants!

Mushrooms on Host – Dolly Sods, West Virginia

Nuts! – Dolly Sods, West Virginia

20 Dec 2010 194
Every generation tries to put its doctrine on a high shelf where the children cannot reach it. - Walter Rauschenbusch

Nature Morte – Dolly Sods, West Virginia

21 Dec 2010 184
In French, the expression "nature morte" means "still life"; taken individually, the words mean "dead nature."

The Old Crab Apple Tree – National Arboretum, Wash…

Two by Four

Stll Life on a Dead Log