Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: fruit

Pears – Marché Jean-Talon, Montréal, Québec, Canad…

Pears and Nectarines – Marché Jean-Talon, Montréal…

Potatoes – Marché Jean-Talon, Montréal, Québec, Ca…

Mangoes – Marché Jean-Talon, Montréal, Québec, Can…

07 Oct 2018 181
The Jean Talon Market (French: Marché Jean-Talon) is a farmer’s market in Montréal. Located in the city’s Little Italy district, the market is open year-round, even during Montréal’s severe winters, although during this time plastic and canvas walls are placed around the central section of the market while outdoor areas remain vacant. During the peak summer period, between May and October, its open-air arcades are occupied by about 300 vendors, mostly farmers from the countryside around Montréal. The open air market is surrounded by other food businesses: meat, fish and cheese stores, bulk food emporia, dealers in spices and imported goods, bakeries, restaurants and a wine and liquor store, among others.

Tomatoes and Peppers – Marché Jean-Talon, Montréal…

07 Oct 2018 184
The Jean Talon Market (French: Marché Jean-Talon) is a farmer’s market in Montréal. Located in the city’s Little Italy district, the market is open year-round, even during Montréal’s severe winters, although during this time plastic and canvas walls are placed around the central section of the market while outdoor areas remain vacant. During the peak summer period, between May and October, its open-air arcades are occupied by about 300 vendors, mostly farmers from the countryside around Montréal. The open air market is surrounded by other food businesses: meat, fish and cheese stores, bulk food emporia, dealers in spices and imported goods, bakeries, restaurants and a wine and liquor store, among others.

Fresh Oranges – Old Market, Acco, Israel

Jamaica Mandarin Orange – Brooklyn Botanic Garden,…

Calamondin Fruits – National Garden, United States…

15 Feb 2016 2 447
Calamondin (Citrofortunella microcarpa or Citrofortunella mitis) is an important citrofortunella, meaning that it is an intergenetic hybrid between a member of the genus citrus (in this case probably the mandarin orange) and the kumquat belonging to Fortunella. The Calamondin bears a small citrus fruit that is used to flavor foods and drinks. Despite its outer appearance and its aroma, the taste of the fruit itself is quite sour, although the peel is sweet. Eating a whole fruit has a surprise with the combination of sweet and sour. Calamondin marmalade can be made in the same way as orange marmalade. Like other citrus fruits, the calamondin is high in vitamin C. The fruit can be frozen whole and used as ice cubes in beverages such as tea, soft drinks, water, and cocktails. Liqueur can be made from the whole fruits, in combination with vodka and sugar. In Asian cuisines, the juice is used to season fish, fowl, and pork. It is commonly used as a condiment in Filipino dishes like pancit or pansit, as well as lugaw. The fruit is used in local recipes in northern Indonesia, especially around the North Sulawesi region. Fish are spritzed with the juice prior to cooking to eliminate the "fishy" smell. Kuah asang ("sour soup") is a regional clear fish broth made with calamondin juice. Calamondin has several alternative medicinal uses. When rubbed on insect bites, the juice is said to relieve the itching and reduce the irritation. It can also be used as a natural acne medicine or taken orally as cough medicine (often mixed with green tea), and is a natural anti-inflammatory. For constipation the juice is warmed and diluted with water. It bleaches freckles and helps to clear up acne. In Malaysia, it is used as an antidote for poison, and a poultice of pandanus leaves mixed with salt and the juice of Calamondin can be used to treat abscesses. In Peninsular Malaysia, it is combined with pepper to help expel phlegm. It is also used in skin and hair care products. The oil is a key constituent in the exclusive Clive Christian cologne, "1872 for Men".

Crab Apples – de Maisonneuve Boulevard, Westmount,…

19 Jul 2015 474
The leaves on this crabapple tree look like someone took a spray gun and peppered the leaves with orange and red paint. All those spots are signs of common fungus disease called cedar-apple rust. The fungus that causes cedar-apple rust has a pretty amazing life cycle (although it might be easier to marvel at if it weren’t making our apple and crabapple trees look so bad!). It needs to spend time growing on a juniper as well as an apple, as its scientific name Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae suggests, in order to complete its life cycle. The first symptoms on apples are pale yellow spots on the upper surfaces of the leaves and on developing fruits in mid to late spring. The spots gradually get bigger and turn orange or red, and you may see black dots in the upper surface of the spots. In mid to late summer, if you turn the infected leaves over, you’ll see tiny tubes growing out of the spots. The ends of these tubes split open and curl back, releasing spores into the air. Now these spores won’t infect more apples. They need to land on a red cedar, which in spite of its common name, is actually a juniper (Juniperus virginiana) . These spores form corky, one-quarter to two inch, reddish brown galls on the red cedar – sometimes called "cedar apples" – that take two seasons to mature. Then, in wet spring weather, gelatinous orange-colored "horns" emerge from the galls, looking for all the world like some alien creatures that have just landed from outer space. When the weather turns dry, the horns shrink and dry up, but re-emerge in the next rainy spell. They produce spores that are carried on air currents to apple leaves and the cycle of infection begins again. The main damage is to the red cedars. But severely infected apples and crabapples can suffer enough leaf loss to weaken them or even kill them, and infected fruits are small and misshapen.

Dried Fruit – Russ & Daughters, East Houston Stree…

01 Jul 2015 617
Russ & Daughters is a family-operated food store specializing in appetizers. It is located at 179 East Houston Street, on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City. Joel Russ, a immigrant from Poland who arrived in Manhattan around 1905, started the business to cater to his fellow immigrants in the Lower East Side of New York. He began by carrying Polish mushrooms on his shoulders, and saved enough money to purchase a pushcart. He then expanded his operation and sold pickled herring as well as mushrooms. Then in 1914, he opened J Russ International Appetizers, a storefront around the corner from the current location. In 1920, Russ moved his store to its current location at 179 East Houston Street. In 1933, he renamed the business "Russ and Daughters" after making his three daughters, Hattie, Anne, and Ida, partners in the store. Businesses typically took on the name "and sons", but since Russ and his wife Bella had only daughters, his business became Russ & Daughters. However, Joel Russ was not a feminist ahead of his time. For him, getting his daughters into the business was not a matter of women’s rights, but a matter of economic survival. According to Hattie, she and the other daughters had all been working in the store on weekends since they were 8 years old, fishing the herring fillets from the pickle barrels. And as each of the girls finished high school, she started to work full-time.

Persimmons – The Ferry Building Marketplace, San F…

Still Life with Citrus – Baldwin Street at Augusta…

"The Hungry I" Restaurant – Charles Street, Beacon…

Onions – Atwater Market, Montréal, Québec

Tomatoes – Atwater Market, Montréal, Québec

Crape Myrtle in Autumn #1 – National Arboretum, Wa…

Crape Myrtle in Autumn #2 – National Arboretum, Wa…

Tropical Fruit – Jean Talon Market, Montréal, Québ…

27 items in total