Jonathan Cohen's photos with the keyword: neon

The Greenbelt Theatre at Dusk – Roosevelt Center,…

Canadian Postal Museum – Hull, Québec, Canada

Chanticleer – State Street, Ithaca, New York

30 Oct 2013 1 937
In the words of one local blogger: "The Chanticleer saloon has long reigned at the corner of West State and South Cayuga in downtown Ithaca. It’s one of those no-nonsense, down-and-dirty bars that, despite being situated in plain sight, seems clandestine and somewhat anonymous. Well, as anonymous as a bar with a big neon chicken outside it can be. There are chickens inside to: pictures, statuettes, wallpaper. There’s also a long bar, a red pool table, a jukebox and a wooden phone booth. They don’t serve food of any kind; just hard drink. According to some, the neon chicken is actually landmarked. Dates from 1947. Whoever founded this place must have loved him some roosters. The place is actually called the Chanticleer Lounge, for the record. But lounge seems pretty high-falutin’ for this dive."

Neon Panther – William Pitt Union, University of P…

The Rocket Sign – 7th Street N.W., Between G and H…

Red Velvet – E Street at 7th Street N.W., Washingt…

House of Cigars – Denman Street near Robson, Vanco…

No.1 Road – Steveston, British Columbia

When Pigs Fly! – Hastings Street between Abbott an…

Waiting in Lines – Cafeteria, Museum of Fine Arts,…

Café Silver Dragon – de l'Église and Laurendeau, M…

14 Jan 2012 1 1452
The Silver Dragon Cafe is the first thing you see when you enter Côte St. Paul. The neon sign has not worked for years. One blogger states that the food there actually is pretty good, and reasonably priced. "Strange little guy at the cash," he writes "and it is straight out of 1947, with toothless tattooed patrons at other tables...but if you can get past that, the egg rolls, chicken soo guy, fried race, coke … all for about $7… couldn’t beat it." (On the other hand, another blogger complains that the kitchen is filthy). A third blogger praises the "old-fashioned egg rolls. . .a hard to find treat" (but this review dates from 2005). At any rate, the restaurant is now for sale and the wonderful sign may soon be a thing of the past.

Reading Terminal Market – Philadelphia, Pennsylvan…

Hard Sell Fish Market – Reading Terminal Market, P…

Time for Fine Eats – Joe Mama's Restaurant, Forbes…

Forbes Avenue and Oakland Street – Pittsburgh, Pen…

Homemade Ice Cream – Atwood Street at Forbes Avenu…

Th-Th-That's all folks! – Hastings Street, Vancouv…

Georgetown Cinema Marquee – Washington DC

19 items in total