John Sheldon's photos with the keyword: Bram Stoker

On the Trail of Count Dracula (1)

25 Jul 2013 217
This is the graveyard at St Mary's Church, Whitby in North Yorkshire. It is at the top of the '199 steps' and provided inspiration for Bram Stoker in his Gothic Horror novel Dracula. (Experimental use of Raw Therapee 4 to process raw to JPEG.)

On the Trail of Count Dracula (2)

25 Jul 2013 1 265
These are the 199 steps in Whitby, North Yorkshire. The dog in Bram Stoker's novel Dracula is supposed to have run up these steps to the graveyard at the top. (Experimental use of Raw Therapee 4 to process raw to JPEG.)

On the Trail of Count Dracula (3)

25 Jul 2013 241
In the background are the cottages and beach in Whitby, North Yorkshire where Bram Stoker worked on his Gothic Horror novel Dracula. The ship in the novel is supposed to have been grounded on those sands. The ship in this picture is a 40% sized replica of Captain Cook's ship HM Bark Endeavour. (Experimental use of Raw Therapee 4 to process raw to JPEG.)

The 199 Steps at Whitby, North Yorkshire

21 Jul 2013 1 1 284
The 199 steps from the beach and the St Mary's Church graveyard at the top, were inspirations for Bram Stoker in his novel 'Dracula'. Processed using 'blue filter' which improves the rendition of the red bricks.

The Bark Endeavour in Whitby Harbour

15 Jul 2013 218
A replica of Captain Cook's ship HM Bark Endeavour. It is about 40% of the original's size. It is used for pleasure trips along the coast of North Yorkshire, UK. In the background are the cottages and beach where Bram Stoker worked on his novel 'Dracula'. The sandy beach is the place where Dracula's ship is supposed to have run aground.