John Sheldon's photos with the keyword: Wood carving

Carved wooden face

17 Sep 2022 1 1 72
Wood carving at Hilliers Arboretum, Hampshire, UK.

Tightly cropped, I crouch and stare

20 Jun 2022 6 3 135
Wooden sculpture of the Cheshire Cat based on the character in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson). Part of a series of sculptures in Llandudno, Wales, UK. Processing and manipulation of the (2015) DNG using Affinity Photo software.

Late afternoon in September 2015

Diver statue at Lido Park, Droitwich, UK

04 May 2022 2 2 69
Detail from a wooden sculpture near to the open-air swimming pool in Lido Park, Droitwich, UK.

Pouring the brine – statue (detail) at Droitwich,…

04 May 2022 1 1 62
Salinae (= salt works) to the Roman conquerors, Saltwich to the Anglo Saxon conquerors, and Droitwich in more recent times, this town was important as a centre for salt production from the Iron Age, or possibly earlier. In the Domesday Book (1085 CE) the town was listed as producing 1000 tons of salt per annum and was regarded as more valuable than Worcester and Newcastle. The square shapes in this wooden sculpture reflect the cubic structure of salt grains when viewed closely.

Salt worker – statue at Droitwich, UK

04 May 2022 60
Salinae (= salt works) to the Roman conquerors, Saltwich to the Anglo Saxon conquerors, and Droitwich in more recent times, this town was important as a centre for salt production from the Iron Age, or possibly earlier. In the Domesday Book (1085 CE) the town was listed as producing 1000 tons of salt per annum and was regarded as more valuable than Worcester and Newcastle.

The guardian of the stairs

25 Mar 2020 5 2 174
Chronicle Of Vital Individual Distancing, Day 2. And now for something completely different … After several dreamy scenes with the sharpening and 'ringing artifacts' substantially suppressed, here is one with hard contrast and hard edges.

Here's lookin' at you

07 Mar 2017 2 1 531
Close up of wooden carvings. Mamiya TLR camera with 80mm Sekor lenses. Ilford FP4 120 (medium format) film developed in Ilford ID XI.

Shop Front in Rouen, 1664 - May 2011

04 Nov 2013 179
Wooden carved ornamental shop front in Rouen, dated 1664. Raw file processed to JPEG in RawTherapee 3. Lens: smc PENTAX-DA 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 AL WR.

Wooden Sculpture at Peasholm Park

05 Sep 2013 300
A dead tree has been carved into a wodden statue. Peasholm Park, Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

The Watcher in the Woods

05 Sep 2013 214
A dead tree has been carved into a wodden statue. Peasholm Park, Scarborough, North Yorkshire.