John Sheldon's photos with the keyword: Snow

Cold outside? Have a cup of tea!

23 Jan 2021 5 3 81
From December 2010 archive.

What the snow said

12 Jan 2021 5 2 125
Woke up this morning to find that the overnight snow seemed to have left a coded message ...

Flaming Katy Kalanchoe

12 Jan 2021 4 6 116
Ideal indoor plant for the winter months. Native to Madagascar. (Toxic to dogs and cats if eaten - but they would have to be mighty hungry to do so!) Snow covered silver birch tree in the background. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

Peeping out ...

30 Jan 2019 2 1 152
"And good morning to you!" Winter in English suburbia.

Mr Toad (LLB) of Bufo Bufo Chambers, Lincolns Inn…

27 Feb 2018 2 4 297
Mr Toad appears to have qualified as a barrister. UK weather - the 'Beast from the East' has arrived in the Manchester area, but where we are (in the foothills of the Peak District) we seem to be relatively protected.

Some yellow to cheer up the day

27 Feb 2018 3 3 273
UK weather - the 'Beast from the East' has arrived in the Manchester area, but where we are (in the foothills of the Peak District) we seem to be relatively protected.

Winter 1983, Leeds

23 Feb 2017 4 1 494
Winter 1983. Western Flats Park, Leeds, Yorkshire.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 249
Normally this area would be full of people on a Monday morning, but today there is hardly anyone about; apart from some chap with a camera ... Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f4 or f5.6. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 190
A brick from the old Ledbury Brickworks. Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f4. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 179
This alleyway of shops would normally be bustling with people on a Monday morning. Today there was only some chap with a camera ... Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f5.6. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 151
Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f2.8. TTL exposure reduced by 1/3 in view of the general dark tones. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 1 176
Ledbury is blessed with three fine butchers shops - no favouritism intended. Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, aperture set at f8. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 182
Olympus S Zuiko Auto-Zoom 100~200 f5 lens, aperture set at f11. Ilford HP5 negative film. The Ledbury Market House was constructed about 1617, hence the Tudor style construction. It is still in use, markets meet around the base twice a week and craft goods and hand crafted furniture are sold upstairs.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 167
Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f5.6. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 182
Ledbury's cafe-restaurant Fraggles, on a snowy day in January 2013. Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f5.6. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 198
In the walled garden at Ledbury. Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f4. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 201
Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f5.6. Ilford HP5 negative film.

Ledbury in the Snow - January 2013

14 Oct 2013 202
Normally this alleyway would be full of people on a Monday morning, but today there is hardly anyone about; apart from some chap with a camera ... Olympus Zuiko MC Auto-S 50mm f1.8 lens, set to aperture f5.6. Ilford HP5 negative film.

25 items in total