John Sheldon's photos with the keyword: 120 film

Frozen pond with silver birch

19 Feb 2018 1 1 266
Zenza Bronica ETRS. Kodak Portra 160 colour negative film. Epson V750 flatbed scanner.

Dynamic range herb pot

19 Feb 2018 2 1 243
(Experimenting with contrast range on Kodak Porta 160. Needs to be viewed 'on black'.) Zenza Bronica ETRS. Kodak Portra 160 colour negative film. Epson V750 flatbed scanner.

Unlucky Rabbit's Foot!

22 Jan 2018 1 2 359
A fundamental mistake - over-compensated for the parallax error on a twin lens reflex camera! May 1980. Kodak 400 ASA colour negative film, CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner. Mamiya C220 TLR medium format film camera. Mamiya Sekor 135mm f4.5 lenses.

Crocodile - London Zoo, 1982

15 Dec 2017 2 1 310
Mamiya C220 medium format TLR film camera, Mamiya-Sekor 250mm f6.3 lens. Kodak 400 ISO colour film negative scanned using CanoScan 8800F flatbed.

The eye of the crocodile - London Zoo, 1982

15 Dec 2017 1 225
Mamiya C220 medium format TLR film camera, Mamiya-Sekor 250mm f6.3 lens. Kodak 400 ISO colour film negative scanned using CanoScan 8800F flatbed.

The Giraffe House - London Zoo, 1982

15 Dec 2017 1 2 331
Mamiya C220 medium format TLR film camera, Mamiya-Sekor 250mm f6.3 lens. Kodak 400 ISO colour film negative scanned using CanoScan 8800F flatbed.

Greater Kudu at London Zoo - June 1982

12 Dec 2017 4 3 303
Captive male of the African antelope Greater Kudu in June 1982. Mamiya C220 medium format TLR film camera, Mamiya-Sekor 250mm f6.3 lens. Kodak 400 ISO colour film negative scanned using CanoScan 8800F flatbed.

Shrub rose foliage - May 1986

10 Dec 2017 6 2 524
May 1986. Ilford FP4 120 film developed in ID11. Mamiya C220 TLR with 80mm f2.8 Sekor lenses. Negative scanned using Canoscan 8800F flatbed scanner.

Shiny foliage in the early summer - May 1986

10 Dec 2017 3 2 375
May 1986. Ilford FP4 120 film developed in ID11. Mamiya C220 TLR with 80mm f2.8 Sekor lenses. Negative scanned using Canoscan 8800F flatbed scanner.

The Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens

04 Dec 2017 3 2 409
As it was in 1982 - the statue of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, London, England. Kodak 400 ASA colour film. Scanned negative converted to black and white digitally. Mamiya C220, 65mm f3.6 semi wide angle lens.

Posting a letter in Basingstoke - 1982

04 Dec 2017 10 7 463
A Royal Mail post box that was part of the small shopping complex on Kingsmill Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England. Mamiya C220 TLR, 65mm f3.6 lenses, Kodak 400 ASA colour film.

Vintage Kodak No.2 Folding Autographic Brownie cir…

16 Mar 2017 5 2 1046
The camera has a 'Kodak Ball Bearing Shutter' with speeds B, T, 1/25 sec., 1/50 sec. Aperture f numbers are not specified on this model. Instead, the aperture scale uses numbers 1 to 4. I believe that these digits convert to present day f8, f11, f22, f32. The lens appears to be the '2-element achromatic doublet', focal length about 98mm, maximum aperture about f8. Apparently the placing of the glass elements behind the shutter was standard for this lens, so there is no glass 'on the front'.

Here's lookin' at you

07 Mar 2017 2 1 531
Close up of wooden carvings. Mamiya TLR camera with 80mm Sekor lenses. Ilford FP4 120 (medium format) film developed in Ilford ID XI.

Samson in the Window - June 1986

05 Mar 2017 5 3 591
Ginger cat sitting in a window, June 1986. Mamiya C220 TLR with 80mm f2.8 Sekor lenses. Kodacolor VR 200 colour negative film rated at 200 ISO.

A surprised expression

08 Apr 2015 401
Yashica-mat twin lens reflex camera. Ilford FP4 film developed in Ilford IDXI. Negative scanned in CanoScan 8800F. Final processing in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop Elements.

Cosmic Orange

07 Apr 2015 3 471
Eight exposures on one negative. Mamiya C220 medium format twin lens reflex camera, 135mm Sekor lenses, Ilford FP4 film exposed at 125 ISO and developed in Ilford IDXI. Negative scanned using CanoScan 8800F and end processed in Adobe Lightroom.

Red Garden Rose - 1980

03 Apr 2015 389
A 35 year old Kodak negative, scanned using a CanoScan 8800F and processed in Lightroom and Photoshop Elements. Mamiya C220 medium format film camera.

Deal, or No Deal?

31 Mar 2015 2 385
(Or, "Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?") Two 120 film negatives treated as a diptych. Mamiya C220 TLR (with 80mm f2.8 Sekor lenses, probably). Kodak 400 ISO colour negative film.

25 items in total