Jennifer Murphy's photos with the keyword: paddock

07 Apr 2018 127
With snowfall rates at about 2-4" per hour, I went out every two hours to shovel so I would be able to keep up.

a little thaw

01 Apr 2017 108
I've been fairly successful keeping the gravel area open this winter. The small humps in the background are actually piles of snow. When I shovel, the waste hay gets scooped up with the snow.
22 Jan 2017 108
Don't be fooled, this is all ice. The recent rains froze the snow solid and it's just as slick and dangerous as the clear ice around it.


02 Jan 2017 74
Still loving the gravel base in the mule paddock! It's been a dream to shovel and keep clean so far. I think the mules appreciate a level area free of those terrible frozen ruts, too.

Merry Christmas, boys!

02 Jan 2017 66
I gave the mules some yummy maple branches to chew on. They certainly loved that!
11 Dec 2016 71
About 3 of the 5 yards spread; now for the mules to do their job and pack it in. As this area settles, I'll add the rest of the gravel in the low spots and around the edges.
11 Dec 2016 73
Before I started spreading the gravel I scraped the muck and mud off the area and laid down some weed block to prevent the gravel from sinking into the ground over time.
11 Dec 2016 100
Paddock maintenance! 5 yards of 3/8 minus, which is a combination of pea gravel and stone dust. After it's spread and settles, it should pack up nicely and provide a mud free, level area in the paddock for the mules.

new windbreak!

11 Dec 2016 1 62
I received permission from the Historic District Commission to replace my temporary gate & tarp windbreaks with permanent fence. HDC regulations don't allow fence higher than 4' unless you get special permission. These panels are 6', and look SO much better!

April 7

28 May 2015 100
I can see my perennial bed, finally.

all in a day's work

17 Aug 2014 199
A friend came out to help me re-align my pipe corral fencing. That doesn't sound like much work, but considering the panels are rigid and the ground is on a steep incline, it was a LOT of work. It's still not perfect, but it's looking much tidier than it did!

the high view

28 Nov 2010 91
We only get into our attic about twice a year to open and shut windows according to the season. I've never really stopped to take in the view from up here; I'm glad I did. It puts a whole new perspective on the "farm".