Jennifer Murphy's photos with the keyword: woodpecker

20 Apr 2020 106
I've been trying to get a shot of this bird for weeks. Through the window is the best I could do. edited to correctly id this bird as a Red Bellied Woodpecker, not a Flicker.

telephone, telegraph, morse code

two with one shot

...odd hummingbird...

20 Jul 2011 112
Actually I'm pretty sure it's a downey woodpecker. Upon closer examination it appears this bird has a deformed or injured beak. Remind me to keep my feeders full; love my hummers, but I can't refuse a bird in need, either.

surprise visitor at the hummingbird feeder

23 Jul 2011 113
This woodpecker with an injured beak was taking an easy meal.


my friend flicker

nesting, take 2

02 Jul 2011 1 115
After being driven near mad listening to the sap sucker nestlings incessant chirping for the last few weeks (the nest is over our cook out area), we were shocked to realize they'd flown the nest yesterday. Ahhhhhh, silence! So golden! Wait a minute...are those birds building another nest? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

up close and personal

02 May 2011 1 1 158
Like telling the difference between the Downy and the Hairy woodpecker wasn't difficult enough...along comes the Yellow Bellied Sapsucker. I think. Or is it a Red-naped Sapsucker?

shake a tailfeather

hello, friend

20 Mar 2011 122
This Pileated lives in the area all year 'round; we hear it often, but rarely see it. We were lucky enough to see this one fly across the mule pasture, and even better, it was closely followed by another Pileated!

Flicker on Flickr

02 Oct 2010 1 85
Rainy days make for crappy photos, at least outdoors.

bringing home the bacon

Are you still there?

04 May 2009 107
Yes, and my camera is clicking away!


04 May 2009 122
I thought owls were adept at turning their heads all the way around. Seem the Pileated are, as well!

19 items in total