Jennifer Murphy's photos with the keyword: in the tree


10 Oct 2011 142
Years ago we found a paper wasp nest on a tiny tree, no more than 4' tall. My husband told me to watch the nest; at the first cold snap, the raccoons would come and tear the nest apart to get to the protein rich grubs inside. They wait for the cold to put the hornets in a deep slumber so they won't get stung. Sure enough, the morning after our first hard frost that nest was torn to shreds. The other morning I noticed pieces of nest material in the pasture. I followed a trail of bits and pieces and finally found this nest, high in a nearby tree. I don't know if raccoons got to it or some kind of bird, but it's a sign that our nights have dropped in temperature and winter is definitely on its way. Folklore also says that the higher the nest, the more snow we're going to get. From the distance of this nest to the ground, it looks as though we're in for a doozie!