Jennifer Murphy's photos with the keyword: turtle

Who goes there?

21 Nov 2016 1 81
Caught this snapping turtle digging a nest near the edge of a small swampy area. I was worried she'd wander into the road since she couldn't see, but when she was done she turned and slid down the embankment and into the water, and the clod of dirt slid off her head.
29 Jun 2015 98
A sure sign of spring; the snapping turtles have emerged from the swamps and are laying their eggs in the soft sand at the road's edge.

May 31

29 Jun 2015 70
A sure sign of spring; the snapping turtles have emerged from the swamps and are laying their eggs in the soft sand at the road's edge.

oh no!

23 Nov 2014 126
This little guy is going to get run over if he/she doesn't get a move on. Two cars went by in the opposite direction and didn't slow down a bit, so I decided to help him/her along.

catch and release

23 Nov 2014 157
Lucky for me I had been digging up small trees on my brother's property and had buckets in my car. Though it was a little turtle, it was fierce, and those snapping jaws can do some damage! It seemed to know exactly what was up, though, because when I set the black bucket down, it crawled right inside. I slid the blue bucket over it and moved the critter to the side of the road it was headed, into the swamps.

off he or she goes...

23 Nov 2014 135
Live long and prosper, little buddy!

until next year...

she's not the only one

10 Jun 2014 152
From the looks of it, a few other snappers have been laying eggs in this spot.

laying her eggs

10 Jun 2014 174
A smaller snapping turtle laying eggs on the roadside. I stayed with her until she was finished, because sometimes people like to be jerks and deliberately run over turtles. This one finished her business and went directly back into the swamp, safe and sound.

high traffic zone

high traffic close up

28 May 2012 125
Not the greatest shot; I didn't want to get too close for obvious reasons. I caught one of these suckers fishing once, and boy are they cranky! Plus, you'd be surprised at how fast these turtles can move. This one was across the road and into the swamp on the other side in the blink of an eye.

I've got a long way to go, and a short time to get…

17 Jul 2012 133
Spotted this painted turtle crossing the parking lot at work - probably a female that was returning to the water after laying her eggs.

22 items in total