Jennifer Murphy's photos with the keyword: pond

here comes autumn

warming up

21 Apr 2013 174
When I drove by and noticed this little guy, he had his wings stretched out, warming himself in the sun. By the time I'd turned around and drove back to photograph him, he'd changed his pose. I try!

the leaves parted, and I saw before me

giant trout!

17 Aug 2012 137
As you leave the Castle you can stop at the barn for a trail ride or to visit Zeus the giant horse, stop at the little food hut for a hot dog or ice cream, or pause beside the trout pond and feed the giant trout. And I mean GIANT - holy hat, these fish are massive.

how big?

snack sized

17 Aug 2012 116
These ducklings have no fear of the massive trout that could swallow them whole.

late-to-work worthy

04 Nov 2011 87
I had to turn around to go back and get this shot - no way could I ignore how beautiful this scene was! Best viewed LARGE to see details.

*cue Jaws theme*

19 items in total