Indycaver (Norm)'s photos with the keyword: Keystone

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race

1980 Keystone Balloon Race 0017

Boom! ... and one eyesore gone!

28 Aug 2011 1 212
I just got back a few minutes ago from the Keystone Towers implosion. It was over pretty quickly once it started. I got a late start this morning, but made good time on the Monon Trail even with all the other folks heading for the same place I was. We ended up at a bridge across from the old apartment buildings. The police and fire department had the trail blocked at this point. I'd planned to take the trail on farther to a different location, but there wasn't time and so I called it good and setup there instead. We had about a 20 minute wait before the blasts went off and this would have been much better as a video I think. I've enclosed three photos out of the sequence I shot of the implosion. The only thing left standing was the elevator tower. The dust cloud spread pretty quickly and since we were down wind ... we all headed back up the trail as quickly as we could. I can just imagine what the folks in NYC went through with 911! It was nasty stuff!