HaarFager's photos with the keyword: Turko de Mayo

Turkey Dinner

24 Nov 2021 1 1 205
This was just like a Thanksgiving meal that I served on Turko de Mayo. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Lens: Minolta MD Zoom 28-70mm, f/3.5, @50mm Film: Kodak Gold 100 (expired 10/2014) Aperture: f/8 Shutter Speed: "B" (bulb), 1 second Date: May 5th, 2016, 6.37 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. XD11 Ektar 100 Fall Tree 2015 26df

May 28th, 2019

14 Nov 2021 1 1 111
The turkey I fixed for Turko de Mayo back in 2019. Shot with my Sony Alpha SLT-a77V DSLR.

Turko de Mayo 2018

08 Oct 2020 1 211
Each year in May, I celebrate Turko de Mayo. This was 2018's version. It's my own holiday and I created it because the traditional meal we have at Thanksgiving, in November, is my favorite meal of all. By creating a holiday in May, I get to have the same foods featured in a Thanksgiving dinner twice a year. Turko de Mayo for me includes, of course, a golden brown turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, green beans with smoked sausage, homemade rolls, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. It seems like an extravagant meal, but it will last me a week and a half, plus I'll put a gallon freezer bag or two full of the leftover turkey meat into the freezer to make something with later. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Montgomery Ward Auto Wide Angle 28mm, f/2.8 (Made in Japan) Film: AgfaPhoto Vista Plus 400 Aperture: f/16 Shutter Speed: "B" (bulb), 1 secobd Date: May 29th, 2018, 2.36 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 mins. and 30 secs. at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 minute Zenit Vista 400 Misfits 2018 33if

Turko de Mayo

05 Jun 2020 1 325
I celebrated Turko de Mayo for the 11th year in a row. It's a holiday I created so that I could have my favorite meal, which is Thanksgiving dinner, in May. That way, it's always only six months away until I can cook another turkey. I had a 17lb. turkey, mashed potatoes and homemade turkey gravy, home-canned green beans with smoked sausage, stove top stuffing, homemade dinner rolls, cranberry sauce and homemade pumpkin pie. I had a friend over and it was delicious! Camera: Minolta X-370 No. 2 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 45mm, f/2 Film: Fuji Film Fujicolor 200 (expired on 07/2010) Shooting Program: Manual Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: “B” (bulb) 6 seconds Date: May 31st, 2020, 2.30 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 mins. and 30 secs. at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 minute Minolta X-370-2 Fuji 200 June 2020 15ff

The Bird

23 Jun 2015 1 3 830
A recent turkey I cooked. Camera: Sears TLS (Mk II, made in 1967) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm F/1.7, M42 screw mount Film: FujiFilm Neopan Acros 100 black and white 35mm Shooting program: Manual (no battery) Shutter speed: "B" 2 1/2 secs. Aperture: F/16 Date: May 29th, 2015, 5.59 p.m. Place: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals at 68 degrees: Caffenol CM-RS: 11 mins. Water Rinse: 30 secs. Ilford Ilfostop Stopbath: 1 min. Ilford Hypam Fixer: 8 mins. Kodak PhotoFlo 200: 1 min. Water Rinse: 4 mins. Sears Acros 23if

Turko de Mayo

30 May 2015 1 369
I celebrated Turko de Mayo today. This bird just came out of the oven about an hour ago. Taken with my Sony Alpha SLT-a77v on May 29th, 2015.

Turko de Mayo

28 May 2014 1 2 419
Last night I got my turkey out to start thawing for Turko de Mayo. What is "Turko de Mayo," you ask? Well, it's a relatively new holiday that dates back to 5 or 6 years ago when I first celebrated it. In fact, I created the holiday myself! A little back story on how it began: Each year, my favorite meal is Thanksgiving dinner. The combination of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and all the usual things that go with a traditional Thanksgiving meal just seem to work really well together. The only problem is - most people only cook a meal like that once a year. If it's your favorite, you only get to eat it once a year, in late November. I liked it so much, I created Turko de Mayo so that I could have that same meal twice a year. Now, each May, I whip out a meal just like on Thanksgiving and enjoy it with whomever I happen to invite over. All the leftovers never go to waste, either, because I'll make turkey soup out of what's left and it will all get eaten. And the beauty of Turko de Mayo is that you can celebrate it on any day in May you want to - whatever suits your schedule the best! So, Happy Turko de Mayo day!