HaarFager's photos with the keyword: The Beatles

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

02 Nov 2024 2 2 77
The Beatles 1967 album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." And on the Apple label, no less! Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: 3M Scotchcolor 100 Shooting Program: Manual Date: October 1991 Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Minolta 3M Speakeazy Practice Room Fall Tree 1991 23ff

Yellow Submarine At Rend Lake

29 Feb 2024 3 4 208
A mural painted on a building located in the downtown square of Benton, Illinois. Being a Beatles fan myself, of course it caught my attention right away. Camera: Polaroid One600 Film: Polaroid Color 600 instant film (expired 10/22) Time: April 15th, 2023, 4.23 p.m. Location: Benton, Illinois, U.S.A. Polaroid One600 2023 08gf

Beatles '24

14 Jan 2024 256
The picture for the first month of my 2024 Beatles calendar. I've been getting the new one every year for forty years or so. I took this shot, developed the film and posted it - all in under six hours! Plus, I developed two other rolls of film during that time as well. The film was expired for about 20 years, but it seems to have been all right. Especially since I exposed it two stops below the box speed of 400. Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC No. 1 Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm, f/1.7 Film: Fuji Film Superia X-TRA 400 (long expired and shot @100) Program: Manual (no battery) Aperture: F/16 Shutter Speed: “B” (bulb) 8 seconds Date: January 13th, 2024, 6.42 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 mins. and 30 secs. at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak PhotoFlo200: 1 minute Konica TC-1 Superia X-TRA 400 2024 02ff

Minolta X-9

26 Apr 2020 1 4 351
I picked up this great old Minolta X-9 last year, but only got it photographed a couple weeks ago. It's almost the identical same camera as the Minolta X-370N, but with the addition of a depth-of-field preview button. It works great and uses all my Minolta MD and MC-mount lenses.

Absolutely Fabulous

18 Sep 2021 186
In 1963, George Harrison played at this Veterans of Foreign Wars club, located in Eldorado, Illinois. He was visiting his sister, who lived in nearby Benton, Illinois and she took him out to this club. He sat in with the band that was playing that night, The Four Vests. I've also played on that stage many times, with some of the bands I've been in. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 11.53 a.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 06ff

The Liverpool Legends

18 Sep 2021 1 97
The Liverpool Legends are a Beatles tribute group that tours all over the world. I saw them live tonight, Friday, September 17th, 2021, playing at Eldorado, Illinois. The town was having their annual street festival, known as Town and Country Days, and the theme of it this year was "Here Comes The Sun." Most people don't know this, but George Harrison was the first Beatle to play in America. In 1963, he came to visit his sister Louise, who lived in nearby Benton, Illinois and she took him to the V.F. W. club in Eldorado to hear a local band play. They were The Four Vests. Someone must have informed them that an audience member was a musician from England, so the band and George got together and they all knew how to play six songs between the five, so George sat in with them. It went over so well, they played the six songs over again. So, the local historical society finally got around to dedicating a plaque to hang in the V.F.W. in honor of the event. The guys were the best Beatles tribute band I've ever heard! They were note perfect. Below, you can see a previous picture I took of the V.F.W. club where George played that night back in 1963. I always thought it was cool because I've played on that very same stage several times with my bands.


31 Jul 2021 2 118
A bootleg Beatles album in my collection. It was autographed by the drummer. Pete Best and his band played near my hometown a few years back and that's when I got his autograph.

You Say It's Your Birthday

01 Mar 2020 1 224
Well, it's my birthday, too, yeah.

One After 909

28 Feb 2020 169
The Dow Jones is currently down 909 points. It reminds me of this old song by The Beatles: One After 909

The Last Perfect Day

The Beatles

09 Sep 2018 2 296
This is my album featuring The Beatles before Ringo Starr joined the group and they still had Pete Best as their drummer. It's still sealed and has never been opened. And not only that, I got Pete Best to autograph it!

Meet The Frogles

02 Dec 2017 20 18 700
The First Album By England's Phenomenal Frog Group! (With all apologies to Robert Freeman.) For the Saturday Self-Challenge group who's theme this week was to create your very own album cover. The Kermits I used ranged from 3 feet tall (the one at the top left), to 3 inches tall (the one on the lower right.) I had to photograph them at different distances so they would all have the same dimensions.


29 Apr 2017 1 1 419
For some reason, I've always been fond of Granny Smith apples.

The Beatles Clear Vinyl

30 Oct 2014 2 275
This is The Beatles - "Across The Universe" on clear vinyl. This one is sooo cool, I think.

The Beatles

15 Apr 2014 5 4 317
A scan of a real 8x10 photograph of The Beatles that's in my collection.

Not To Be Used For Serving Food

13 Apr 2014 6 12 514
On the back of these plates was printed "Not to be used for serving food." I thought that's why dishes were invented? I think this is an example of an 'oxymoron.' For this week's challenge in The Sunday Challenge group - "Oxymoron."

Sgt. Pepper

24 Mar 2014 1 331
When The Beatles released their album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," it also came with a cardboard sheet inside which had things like this Sgt. Pepper picture card, cutout moustache, stripes and buttons. I scanned my sheet, (I never cut it apart, you know!) and this is one of the five elements it included.