HaarFager's photos with the keyword: Kodak D-76

Overturned Truck

04 Dec 2018 1 1 329
I was so happy to find this picture! It was taken for the local paper back in 1980 and I thought I didn't have a copy of it for my files. I was going through one of my file cabinets and found a copy of the old newspaper it came from and scanned it into my computer. The guy driving the truck was unfamiliar with intersection where the accident took place and turned his truck over. I don't think he was hurt. I shot the pictures and took the roll to my town's local newspaper. They let me use their darkroom to develop the film, select what I felt was the best shot and then print it out for use in the paper. I used Kodak D-76 to develop it in. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 ASA B&W 35mm Date: The week of August 20th, 1980 Location: Near Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Truck Wreck, August 20th, 1980 3gf

127 Backhoe

24 Aug 2014 1 404
Another of the shots taken during the first time I used the Kodak Brownie Holiday 127 camera which was passed down to me from my Grandmother. It doesn't seem to perform well when aimed at the bright sun and produced light flares on some shots. Camera: Kodak Brownie Holiday (made in January 1953) Film: Efke R 100 127 black and white film Aperture: F/11 (approximate) Shutter speed: 1/25 sec. (approximate) Date: February 19th, 2010 Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing process, chemicals were at 68 degrees: Kodak D-76 developer: 9 mins. Ilford Ilfostop stop bath: 90 secs. Kodak fixer: 7 mins. Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 min. 127 Backhoe 1cf

Last Of The Snow

24 Aug 2014 455
A small patch of snow that had almost finished melting just in front of my front porch steps. That's what it looked like only a week and a half ago; but we've gotten three more snowfalls since then. Needless to say, it doesn't look like this anymore and I'm getting tired of seeing only white outside. I'm almost certain the bright patch of light at the top is from a sun flare and not a light leak when handling the film. But, this was the last image on the roll, so I can't be sure. I'm leaning more toward it being a sun flare because part of it extends all the way to the bottom of the frame. Camera: Kodak Brownie Holiday (made in January 1953) Film: Efke R 100 127 black and white film Aperture: F/11 (approximate) Shutter speed: 1/25 sec. (approximate) Date: February 5th, 2010 Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing process, chemicals were at 68 degrees: Kodak D-76 developer: 9 mins. Ilford Ilfostop stop bath: 90 secs. Kodak fixer: 7 mins. Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 min. Holiday 8df

Pinhole Calotype Library

26 Jun 2014 1 503
Taken as part of a college photography class, using a hand-made 4x5 cardboard pinhole camera. For negatives, we cut down 8x10 sheets of photo paper, the name of which is called a Calotype. Camera: Cardboard 4x5 pinhole camera Film: Photographic paper Exposure: Approx. 5 secs. Developed in: Kodak D-76 Date: October 1979 Location: Southeastern Illinois College, Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A.

Cold Beer In Kentucky

23 Aug 2013 459
Grain is good. Camera: Keystone 470PM Focus Free Message Camera Lens: Japan Optics (Plastic) Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 ISO black and white 35mm film Date: February 15th, 2011, 1:40 p.m. Location: Union County, Kentucky, U.S.A. Developing specifics (chemicals at 72 degrees): D-76: 5 1/2 mins. Ilford Ilfostop stop bath: 1 min. Kodak fixer: 9 mins. Water Rinse: 1 min. Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 min. Keystone 02gf

Keystone Stairwell

23 Aug 2013 1 525
This is the first time I used my Keystone 470PM Focus Free Message camera. I can't figure out why one of the edges of my negatives keep getting exposed. The stairs in question used to be a rear exit to a glove factory that was located in that building. These stairs were tucked in there because right next to the factory, where the parking lot is now, there used to stand an old hotel on the corner. At one time, Norris City was a booming little town and had a railway station, three hotels, (and a motel on the outskirts of town), and was quite busy. The railroad tracks ran right through the middle of town and were located approximately about where I was standing in this picture. The train depot would have been about two blocks to the left of this building, within a block or two's walking distance of the hotels and downtown area. There was even a skating rink and a movie theatre within a block of this spot. This little town was hot! I wonder what happened to the world? We've got more people in it, but less people are here. Are they inflating the population numbers? There must be some reason why they killed off Norris City when it was thriving so well. We've got the same amount of residents as back then, just nothing else. No businesses, no hotels, no theatre, no skating rink, no visitors, no train station, no trains. We haven't even got any street lights to direct traffic at intersections.