Roger (Grisly)'s photos with the keyword: Argyll

Tarbert, Lock Fyne!

06 Mar 2025 43 82 125
A fishing village built at the head of an inlet of Loch Fyne called East Loch Tarbert, on a narrow isthmus which connects Kintyre to the south with Knapdale to the north, It is known as the gateway to Kintyre! HFF and a large view for clarity please!


05 Sep 2024 42 71 245
A typically damp day in Glencoe, and a view of the "Allt Coire nam Beitheach" watercourse as it tumbles down from the valley between the mountains. This is captured from the bridge over the River Coe at Achnambeithach, The cloud covered mountains are "Stob Coire nam lochan (1115m) on the left and "Stob Coire nam Beith" (1107m) on the right, HFF and a lovely weekend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Large view recommended!

Carnasserie Castle

29 Aug 2024 36 57 213
The ruined Carnasserie Castle looks down across the landscape from it's high vantage point, also with commanding views over the southern approach to Loch Awe. This 16th-century tower house held an envious position! HFF and a good weekend,,,,,,,,, A large view if you are able!

Oyster Catcher

11 Jul 2024 32 58 231
The bird may take a little finding but the bright orange beak should give it away quite easily, Fence and harbour wall at Ardrishaig on Loch Gilp, Scotland. 16.9 format so a large view may be beneficial ! Will catch up on my return tomorrow, HFF and a great weekend

Castle Walls

02 Jul 2024 36 57 272
A dark and mysterious castle with a long history, This is Dunstaffnage Castle which was built before 1240 and has far reaching views across the Firth of Lorne, Once the stronghold of the MacDougall Clan it was captured by Robert the Bruce in 1308 and stayed in Royal hands until 1409. In 1746 Flora MacDonald was held here before her transfer to the Tower of London, for aiding the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, HWW! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Large maybe For Sight and Sound

Twin Lochs

24 Mar 2024 39 60 272
Mist begins to form in this shot of the Lochs of Laich and Linnhe with the Ardnamurican peninsula as a backdrop to the much photographed Castle Stalker and Stalker Island, In 16.9 format so a large view really would be appreciated.

Scenic Road

21 Mar 2024 52 94 320
Short barrier fence beside the A82 Trunk as it passes "Sgòrr nam Fiannaidh" on its way through Glencoe, "Sgòrr nam Fiannaidh" is a 3172.5ft (ca. 967 m) Monroe and is the western summit of the Aonach Eagach Ridge. HFF and a great weekend, A large view is recommended!

A Quarry No More, 2 Pips & 2 Notes.

21 Feb 2024 31 45 243
On the shoreward side of the village Ellenabeich, is what at first looks like an atoll, a large very roughly circular line of rock apparently enclosing an arm of the sea. This can look like a harbour from a distance. Actually, it is all that remains of the slate quarry that led to Ellenabeich's growth. This was started by the Campbells of Breadalbane in 1745, And by 1842 new steam powered pumps meant that quarrying could take place to a depth of 250ft (72 m) below sea level, in a vast pit separated from the sea by just a narrow wall of rock. A storm in 1881 breached the wall around Ellenabeich's quarry, and it was inundated by the sea. Fortunately, no one was in it at the time. As the slate here was nearing exhaustion in any case, this spelled the end of slate quarrying in Elleneabeich and the several hundred jobs it provided, (wikipedia) Notes 1 The Quarry .........................Pip 1, Quarry Wall Note 2 First Breech..........................Pip 2, The Quarry. Another image shot in 16.9 therefore a large view would be appreciated.

Real Souvenirs !

30 Jan 2024 41 64 239
This tiny souvenir shop (Only open during tourist season) adjacent to the Clachan Bridge is owned by the Tig and Truish Inn (Cish an Cruish) which is opposite. The sign says, The old pub was used by islanders after the Jacobite uprising to change from trousers back into the forbidden kilt when returning to the Island. The electrical wiring on the right of the building looks past its best ;-) HWW!

Oban Bay!

29 Jan 2024 37 43 202
A view down the Sound of Kerrera into Oban Bay, With the town of Oban and Dunollie Castle in the distance In 16.9 format, so for clarity a large view would be appreciated!!

Floral Wall,

23 Jan 2024 43 59 237
A colourful parapet wall to the Clachan Bridge, Also known as The Bridge over the Atlantic. (See Pip) This hump backed bridge links the Isle of Seil to the mainland and was built between 1792 and 1793. Some may also remember these Fairy Foxgloves from previous images. HWW and a large view please.

Standing Stone !

19 Oct 2023 60 94 394
A burst of sun through the morning cloud catches the Kintraw Standing Stone with its adjacent trees and adds a golden glow to the numerous Gorse bushes,,,,,,,, Large view if possible please Stopping at a conveniently positioned lay-by and a short walk down hill to grab a couple of shots between the traffic. The Pip has been previously posted, but it gives a larger view of the stone. Standing at the head of Loch Craignure the stone is part of a complex that includes three burial cairns, It is a slender monolith that stands 13 feet (3.9m) high and is 3'6" wide. the stone is thought to have been erected around 1800 BC. Finally some relaxing music while you view, Solitude, Joan Chamorro

Seal View, (Pip)

03 Sep 2023 43 81 216
Apologies but you will probably need a large view for clarity This is It is a short distance north of the tip of the Mull of Kintyre, which faces out towards Northern Ireland and the Atlantic with views of the islands of Gigha, Islay and Jura. Seals are visible in the pip, For convenience, I only carry my landscape lens while away from the car which can have drawbacks especially in situations such as this. HBM and a good week,

The Remains of Winter.

08 Jul 2023 44 53 248
It's May and the last of the winter snow still hangs on the northern slopes of the Stob Ghebhar Ridge 3,580ft (1090 m) which is a part of the Scottish Highlands Black Mountain group, Maybe try it large !

Loch Achtriochtan & River Coe.

01 Jun 2023 64 101 405
The River Coe rises at the north-eastern base of Buachaille Etive Beag in Scotland and flows west along Glen Coe. After dramatic waterfalls at the Pass of Glen Coe, it runs through the small Loch Achtriochtan before it turns north-west. It then runs past the site of the Massacre of Glencoe and passes through Glencoe village, shortly before flowing into the sea loch of Loch Leven, (Wikipedia) A large view may be enjoyable This is the glen in early summer so a link to Summer

Island Ferry HFF

22 Aug 2018 49 82 824
Heat haze in distance as the Easdale Island Ferry arrives at Ellenbeich, Isle of Seil, Easdale is the smallest inhabited island in the Inner Hebrides. Call the Ferry by sounding the Klaxon in the waiting room, More information here, Please view large, (only a small fence this week) Link for the Sight and Sound Group, The boat has no cover so the track is Windswept by Brian Ferry,