GrahamH's photos with the keyword: pine

Norfolk Island PineWP 20220210 17 53 02 Pro

06 Apr 2022 1 147
A tree seen on a late afternoon walk. February 2022.

IMG 4335

17 Jan 2019 3 249
Lunch trolley at the Koalas. To the left of the man is a wheelie bin full of branches of eucalyptus trees of the varieties which the Koalas eat the leaves from. The previously sleepy-looking animals became a bit animated with a couple climbing down to the floor and walking across to the bin. The keeper ignored these and just replaced the branches on the climbing frames. Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018.

IMG 4334crop

17 Jan 2019 3 4 291
Cassowary, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018.

IMG 4421crop

06 Jan 2019 2 2 241
Bush Thick-knee, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018. See PIP for info.

IMG 4419crop

06 Jan 2019 1 2 243
Major Mitchel Cockatoo, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018. See PIP for info.

IMG 4418crop

06 Jan 2019 1 2 234
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018. See PIP for info.

IMG 4400

06 Jan 2019 2 269
Platypus in an aquarium at Lone Pine Sanctuary. November 2018. See PIP for info.

IMG 4387

06 Jan 2019 2 241
Platypus in an aquarium at Lone Pine Sanctuary. November 2018. See PIP for info.

IMG 4370crop

06 Jan 2019 212
Platypus in an aquarium at Lone Pine Sanctuary. This shot is looking up to the surface of the water. The platypus is reflected by the surface hence the part double subject. November 2018. See PIP for info.

IMG 4327

05 Jan 2019 1 2 196
Taipan, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018.

IMG 4325crop

05 Jan 2019 2 186
Death Adder, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018.

IMG 4322

05 Jan 2019 149
Mertons Water Monitor, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018.

IMG 4320

05 Jan 2019 2 187
Lace Monitor, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Brisbane. November 2018.

IMG 4316

05 Jan 2019 1 2 186
Water dragon looking for human supplied lunch, Lone Pine Sanctuary. November 2018.

IMG 4315

05 Jan 2019 2 190
Water dragon looking for human supplied lunch, Lone Pine Sanctuary. November 2018.

IMG 4314

05 Jan 2019 176
Water dragon looking for human supplied lunch, Lone Pine Sanctuary. November 2018.

IMG 4312

05 Jan 2019 2 210
Water dragon looking for human supplied lunch, Lone Pine Sanctuary. November 2018.

IMG 4308

29 Nov 2018 1 3 275
Wedge Tail Eagle at end of show. November 2018.

26 items in total