Gillian Everett's photos with the keyword: purple

066/365 Tibouchina

15 Mar 2025 1 1 8
in the neighbourhood, NSW, Australia.


22 Feb 2024 10 13 142
Flowering now, NSW, Australia. Saturday challenge 341. - 24.02.2024 - Soft


07 Nov 2023 8 7 94
There are many Jacarandas flowering In our neighbourhood now, New South Wales, Australia. Jacaranda mimosifolia is a sub-tropical tree native to south-central South America that has been widely planted elsewhere because of its attractive and long-lasting violet-colored flowers.

rich purple

20 Oct 2023 14 8 133
at the local shopping centre


09 Sep 2023 15 16 182
Wonky = not straight; crooked or askew Sunday challenge 62 - Square within a square

yesterday, today, and tomorrow

22 Oct 2022 3 2 83
in our garden, New South Wales, Australia. The Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant (Brunfelsia) is a tropical plant native to Brazil. Its lush green foliage is accented with unique blooms that change color. The flowers bloom first as a purple or violet bloom. The next day that same bloom is pale lavender and the next day it is white.


24 Aug 2022 8 13 83
clear water in a glass - refraction Refraction photography refers to photos that capture a refraction effect, where light is bent in glass, water, or some other surface to make a subject appear very large, very small, or otherwise distorted.


15 Jun 2022 16 22 158
Dichorisandra thyrsiflora, Blue Ginger, exotic rare perennial

gorgeous gazania

30 Apr 2022 8 7 151
in the neighbourhood, New South Wales, Australia. Couldn't resist taking this...

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

09 Oct 2021 8 9 147
The Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant (Brunfelsia) is a tropical plant native to Brazil. Its lush green foliage is accented with unique blooms that change color. The flowers bloom first as a purple or violet bloom. The next day that same bloom is pale lavender and the next day it is white. Sunday challenge - Change/seasonal

onion art

02 Oct 2021 15 14 143
Sunday challenge - purple


06 Jun 2021 13 14 119
Sunday challenge - circles Section of tea towel