foto buff's photos with the keyword: airplane


16 Jun 2016 13 4 434
Coming in for landing on Burrard Inlet.

747 Landing

05 Jan 2016 6 3 431
On white... a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet on landing approach coming into YVR (Vancouver B.C)

In the Blue

19 Oct 2015 5 4 437
Jumbo jet to somewhere.

Panorama from Reifel Bird Sanctuary

26 Sep 2014 12 8 721
The Reifel Bird Sanctuary is south of Vancouver. This is looking north toward Vancouver over the marsh reeds and grasses. The mountains on the right are the north shore mountains. You can see Cypress Ski area in Cypress Bowl. A jet has just taken off from Vancouver International Airport. Taken 2nd last day of Summer.