FMW51's photos with the keyword: als Denkmal geschütztes Gebäude


22 Apr 2015 35 36 1741
Das Isartor ist das östliche Stadttor der historischen Altstadt von München und wurde 1337 im Zuge der Errichtung einer zweiten Stadtmauer erbaut und ist weitestgehend original erhalten. Es beherbergt heute das Valentin-Karlstadt-Musäum. Das Fresko „Triumphzug Ludwigs des Bayern nach seiner siegreichen Schlacht gegen den Habsburger Friedrich den Schönen bei Mühldorf im Jahre 1322“ (Bernhard von Neher, 1835) sieht man, wenn man sich dem Tor von außen her nähert. The Isartor at the Isartorplatz in Munich is one of four main gates of the medieval city wall. It served as a fortification for the defence and is the most easterly of Munich's three remaining gothic town gates (Isartor, Sendlinger Tor and Karlstor). The gate (German: Tor) is located close to the Isar and was named after the river. . The Isartor was constructed in 1337 within the scope of the enlargement of Munich and the construction of the second city wall between 1285 and 1337 which was completed under the Emperor Louis IV. The Isartor is today the only medieval gate in Munich which has conserved its medium main tower and the restoration in 1833-35 by Friedrich von Gärtner has recreated the dimensions and appearance close to the original structure. The frescos, created in 1835 by Bernhard von Neher, depict the victorious return of Emperor Louis after the Battle of Mühldorf in 1322. . The Isartor today houses a humorous museum which is dedicated to the comedian and actor Karl Valentin. A café for visitors has been integrated.