John FitzGerald's photos with the keyword: islande

Reykjavik 1944

04 Jun 2021 11 11 231
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park weekly theme of Cities. My uncle bought this postcard in 1944. Since Canadian troops had left Iceland in 1941 I don't know why he was there. I suppose if I'd asked he would have had to kill me.The gothic tower in back is part of the Cathedral of Christ the King. The park was then the home of the Cabinet Office, which is now the Prime Minister's Office. The neighbourhood is much changed today. The street on the left with the statue on one side and the octagonal building on the other seems to have been re-aligned, the statue is now pretty much where the octagonal building was, and the octagonal building is across the street. As you can see by exploring this view:,-21.9358318,3a,90y,244.04h,79.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjCcbiB9CSkeaNTVCtb_Caw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656