Finn Frode's photos with the keyword: judge

Back in the ring...

07 Aug 2017 132
This weekend Caithlin was at Darak's two-day show in Ølstykke, Denmark - her first since last November. On both days she won her CAPS certificates and was nominated for the stage show by judges Laura Scholten and Vladimir Isakov. But she was not the only great cat present, so this time she did not win Best In Show in her category. On Sunday however, Laura Scholten awarded her Best Veteran, so she brought home a trophee and food prize after all... :) Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali) at Darak's show in Ølstykke, Denmark, 25.09.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Bastian now has won a title in TICA (vidcap)

05 Jun 2017 159
This weekend I took the boys to a show arranged by the TICA club "Viking Cats" in Store Merløse. So far Bastian has only competed in FIFé, so this was his first experience with the TICA format, where the cats are on the judging tables more than once. By Sunday evening, after 12 rings and 12 finals, he had gathered enough points for the title "Quadruple Grand Master" . Here he is judged by Delsa Rudge, who awarded him a 1st place in her Household Pet Specialty final on Sunday. Bastian (mixed breed), 04.06.2017. Canon HFM46 Video Camera (vidcap)

Presenting his belly to the judge (vidcaps) - Expl…

06 Jun 2017 160
Few cats would do this in front of a complete stranger, but with judge Åsa Broing Bastian pulled all the tricks - including rolling on his back for a good belly rub... From the Viking Cats show in Store Merløse, where he won the TICA title "Quadruple Grand Master" . Bastian (mixed breed), 03.06.2017. Canon HFM46 Video Camera (vidcap)

A Pensioner win

07 May 2017 167
Today at Racekatten's show in Friheden, Copenhagen, Rags participated for the first time in the Danish "Pensioner" class for over 10 year olds - and judge Alexey Shchukin awarded him the trophee. He also was awarded an HP (Honoury Prize) in Class 2 by Charles Spijker. As always Rags enjoyed going to the show and all the cuddles and attention from prominent visitors - among which were our Flickr friend Ghita and her husband. :) Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali). 07.05.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

A veteran win

10 Apr 2017 148
On Sunday Rags and I crossed the waters and went to Sydkatten's show in Malmö, Sweden. Rags already has reached the top title of Supreme Premier, but was awarded his HP (Honoury Prize) all right by Jørgen Billing in Class 2. Best ruddy Somali neuter of the Day was our friend Carlos - and rightfully so. Rags is a fine looking cat, but Carlos is perfect. Later Rags went on to the special Veteran class. Having recently celebrated his 10th birthday, this was his first appearance as a "Group IV Over-10 Veteran". Judge Luigi Comorio chose him to win the trophy - and lots of food to bring home. But the wins aside - most important is that Rags enjoys going to shows. Much of the day he can sit on my lap and enjoy cuddles from the visitors. His kind personality makes him the perfect ambassador for the Somali breed. Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali) at Sydkatten's show, Malmö, Sweden, 09.04.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Glittering prize, for the Eyes of March - Explored…

06 Mar 2017 155
On Sunday Bastian once more won the Best In Show (housecat) at the Darak cat show in Vallensbæk. Judge Flavia Capra fell for his round tomcat face, just as we did when we first saw him at the shelter... Simple Minds: Glittering Prize (1982). Posted for the Eyes of March group. Bastian (mixed breed) 05.03.2017 Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

And the Oscar goes to... - for Happy Caturday

04 Mar 2017 155
The winning moment caught on camera... Posted for the " Happy Caturday " theme "If your cat were a famous person". Today Bastian was at the Darak cat show in Vallensbæk. First he competed against 3 other male "house cats" and judge Elena Zagorskaya declared him the winner. At the stage show he met the winning female, Miss Bilka, who was World Winner 2013 and still wins most of her shows. It ended in a tie, so Boris Lupan was called in as a referee judge and he chose Bastian for Best In Show. A great feather in his cap... :) Bastian (mixed breed) 04.03.2017 (vidcap).

First things first...

06 Mar 2017 147
One more from the Darak cat show in Vallensbæk. Being admired is fine, but food is better, says Bastian... Bastian (mixed breed) 05.03.2017 Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Bastian wins once more (vidcaps)

19 Feb 2017 189
On Saturday Bastian was at Katteklubben's cat show in Rishøjhallen, Køge, where judge Ad de Bruijn once more awarded him Best Housecat (mixed breed) for his temperament and coat condition. In case you missed it, see my video from a show in 2016: Bastian at the Cat Show . Bastian (mixed breed), 18.02.2017. Canon HFM46 Video Camera

Another feather in his cap

07 Nov 2016 220
On Saturday Bastian won his 5th Best In Show for Housecats (mixed breeds). The judge Ad De Bruijn really appreciated his personality and nominated him as best male for the panel. And on stage he took first over a lovely tortie female. Video from the show: Bastian at the Cat Show . On Sunday Bastian did not win nomination, but ended as an honorable runner-up after the very seasoned show cat Gold Nugget. Only fair as both are equally good cats - and also because Nugget's owner has announced his retirement from the shows after a great career. Caithlin is a bit tired of shows at the moment, so I only took her there on Saturday. She won her 9th CAPS certificate, so now she needs just two more for the Supreme Premier title, but we will take it slow... Bastian (mixed breed) at Darak's show in Strøby, Denmark, 05.11.2016. Canon Digital Video

Bastian's 5th BIS

07 Nov 2016 164
On Saturday Bastian won his 5th Best In Show for Housecats (mixed breeds). The judge Ad De Bruijn really appreciated his personality and nominated him as best male for the panel. And on stage he took first over a lovely tortie female. Video from the show: Bastian at the Cat Show . On Sunday Bastian did not win nomination, but ended as an honorable runner-up after the very seasoned show cat Gold Nugget. Only fair as both are equally good cats - and also because Nugget's owner has announced his retirement from the shows after a great career. Caithlin is a bit tired of shows at the moment, so I only took her there on Saturday. She won her 9th CAPS certificate, so now she needs just two more for the Supreme Premier title, but we will take it slow... Bastian (mixed breed) at Darak's show in Strøby, Denmark, 05.11.2016. Canon Digital Video

On the judge's table...

08 Nov 2016 185
One more of Bastian at the show on Saturday, where he won the Best In Show for Housecats. Here he is gently examined by judge Ad De Bruijn. Video from the show: Bastian at the Cat Show . Bastian (mixed breed) at Darak's show in Strøby, Denmark, 05.11.2016. Canon Digital Video

Bastian on YouTube - read below

10 Nov 2016 135
Bastian's video from the recent show is now available on YouTube for your viewing pleasure: Bastian at the Cat Show . Bastian (mixed breed), 05.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

In memoriam Hans G Lindberg (FIFé judge)

29 Nov 2016 144
The Swedish FIFé judge Hans G. Lindberg has unexpectedly died on November 21st 2016. The cat world will gratefully remember him for fair judging and for his evident love for every cat he handled. RIP, Hans. Vidcap collage of Rags with Hans Lindberg at Racekatten show in Sorø, February 2016. Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 07.02.2016.

Laa Laa with judge Zvezdan Memedov

05 Dec 2016 149
Our cat friend Lene Mathews brought her Exotic Shorthair tortie Laa Laa, who without problems got her CAGPIB certifikate and also was nominated for the final panel on stage. The owner was very happy and proud to see her up there with the best... Hyggebo's Laa Laa (Exotic Shorthair) at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Laa Laa on the roll

05 Dec 2016 108
Our cat friend Lene Mathews brought her Exotic Shorthair tortie Laa Laa, who without problems got her CAGPIB certifikate and also was nominated for the final panel on stage. The owner was very happy and proud to see her up there with the best... Hyggebo's Laa Laa (Exotic Shorthair) at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Bastian with judge Joeri Vanrusselt

05 Dec 2016 129
Yesterday Bastian was at Racekatten's show in Herlev. This time he did not win, but once more he performed beautifully on the judge's table and received lots of praise for his personality and looks. And most of all - he enjoyed the day and once more was a great ambassador for the adoption of adult cats. Bastian (mixed breed) at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Digital Camera (photo by Lene Matthews)

Bastian on the table

05 Dec 2016 148
Yesterday Bastian was at Racekatten's show in Herlev. This time he did not win, but once more he performed beautifully on the judge's table and received lots of praise for his personality and looks. And most of all - he enjoyed the day and once more was a great ambassador for the adoption of adult cats. Bastian (mixed breed) at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Digital Camera (photo by Lene Matthews)

28 items in total