Fi Webster's photos with the keyword: Edgar Allan Poe

journal page postcard for liz

20 Oct 2010 253
What a great swap idea (credit Mandy F.): I've done journal pages on the backs of postcards before, but never a journal page as the art for the postcard front . It felt very odd to write the above--my real journal entry for the 10th of October--in such a "public" setting, but liberating as well. I've been puzzling over how to bring my writing into my art...this seems like a beginning...

poe's black cat

30 Oct 2010 1 297
My first ever hand-carving, folks: critiques encouraged, but be gentle. =smile= The Staedtler Master Carve turned out to be pretty crumbly, so I'm going to switch to something else in the future. The idea here was to depict Edgar A. Poe's black cat, which has but one eye (after its master gouged out the other one). I got the idea from seeing my own black cat Annabel Lee brightly lit from one side, casting one of her eyes into shadow, and with one of her ears turned sideways. Fortunately, she stayed still long enough for me to make sketches!


25 Apr 2010 476
This was for a swap-bot challenge to introduce yourself, through images, to someone else. I put my 5-yr-old self, framed by my favorite color, purple in the middle. Then I assembled 8 of my favorite things--which, going clockwise, are horror literature (Edgar Allan Poe stamp on background of the famous opening para of "The Fall of the House of Usher"); horror film (the classic, surprisingly non-gory, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"); writing (favorite fountain pen, a red-&-white Bexley lying on a letter I wrote); Patti Smith (rock-musician/poet/artist extraordinaire); sharks (a beautiful blacktip reefer); collage art (scissors); the warrior goddess Durga (from Hindu pantheon); and appreciating fine art (detail of painting by Gordon Onslow Ford).