Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: 8th Avenue - New York City, NY

CDInside.BornThisWay.House.GayCircuit.Se ptember20…

23 Sep 2010 677
Artwork for BORN THIS WAY Summer Into Autumn House / Gay Circuit 'Peak' Mix September 2010 EXB Mix #2010.9.5 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/born-this-way-progressive-september-2010-mix-10292108 Tracklist at https://docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_760fqcq7wgv Read Elvert Barnes TRANCE HEAD blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-trancehead.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-september-2010-born-this-way-summer.html Elvert Barnes Mixology http://elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: Two Men . 40th NYC Heritage of Pride Celebration . Chelsea / 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit NYC Heritage of Pride at hopinc.org/ Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html Original photo at www.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/9011633

CDLabel.BornThisWay.House.GayCircuit.Sep tember201…

23 Sep 2010 1 821
Artwork for BORN THIS WAY Summer Into Autumn House / Gay Circuit 'Peak' Mix September 2010 EXB Mix #2010.9.5 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/born-this-way-progressive-september-2010-mix-10292108 Tracklist at https://docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_760fqcq7wgv Read Elvert Barnes TRANCE HEAD blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-trancehead.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-september-2010-born-this-way-summer.html Elvert Barnes Mixology http://elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: Two Men . 40th NYC Heritage of Pride Celebration . Chelsea / 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit NYC Heritage of Pride at hopinc.org/ Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html Original photo at www.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/9011633

TwoMen.Pride.Chelsea.8thAvenue.NYC.27Jun e2010

14 Sep 2010 2 1 670
Two Men . 40th NYC Heritage of Pride Celebration . Chelsea / 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit NYC Heritage of Pride at http://hopinc.org Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

CDCover.BornThisWay.House.GayCircuit.Sep tember201…

14 Sep 2010 1 669
Artwork for BORN THIS WAY Summer Into Autumn House / Gay Circuit 'Peak' Mix September 2010 EXB Mix #2010.9.5 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/born-this-way-progressive-september-2010-mix-10292108 Tracklist at https://docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_760fqcq7wgv Read Elvert Barnes TRANCE HEAD blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-trancehead.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-september-2010-born-this-way-summer.html Elvert Barnes Mixology http://elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: Two Men . 40th NYC Heritage of Pride Celebration . Chelsea / 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit NYC Heritage of Pride at hopinc.org/ Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html Original photo at www.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/9011633

08.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 444
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

07.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 445
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

06.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 467
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

05.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 919
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography "DCEVE" / Smart Crew (2010) Graffiti/Tag Brooklyn Lucky Supply Truck Graffiti Trucks in New York City http://www.littleviews.com/home/pursuits/graffiti_trucks.cfm Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

04.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 767
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography "Utah Oner" Mul / 004 Connec Graffiti / Tag Brooklyn Lucky Supply Truck http://www.004connec.com/tag/graffiti Graffiti Trucks in New York City http://www.littleviews.com/home/pursuits/graffiti_trucks.cfm Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

03.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 1 698
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography "Ether Mul" 004 Connec Brooklyn Lucky Supply Truck http://www.004connec.com/tag/graffiti Graffiti Trucks in New York City http://www.littleviews.com/home/pursuits/graffiti_trucks.cfm Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

02.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 533
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography James A. Farley Post Office Building See info at Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Farley_Post_Office Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

09.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 720
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

10.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 1 2 486
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

01.Megabus.Terminal.PennStation.NYC.28Ju ne2010

15 Jul 2010 851
Megabus Terminal / Stop . Penn Station . West 31st Street at 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Monday noon, 28 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Megabus at http://us.megabus.com Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

BKI2.Pride.Chelsea.8thAvenue.NYC.27June2 010

02 Jul 2010 674
Windows . 40th NYC Heritage of Pride Celebration . Chelsea / 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Brooklyn Industries (BKI) http://www.brooklynindustries.com 161 8th Avenue . New York City, NY Visit NYC Heritage of Pride at http://hopinc.org Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

BKI1.Pride.Chelsea.8thAvenue.NYC.27June2 010

02 Jul 2010 842
Windows . 40th NYC Heritage of Pride Celebration . Chelsea / 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Brooklyn Industries (BKI) http://www.brooklynindustries.com 161 8th Avenue . New York City, NY Visit NYC Heritage of Pride at http://hopinc.org Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

BKI4.Pride.Chelsea.8thAvenue.NYC.27June2 010

02 Jul 2010 618
Windows . 40th NYC Heritage of Pride Celebration . Chelsea / 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Brooklyn Industries (BKI) http://www.brooklynindustries.com 161 8th Avenue . New York City, NY Visit NYC Heritage of Pride at http://hopinc.org Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

BKI3.Pride.Chelsea.8thAvenue.NYC.27June2 010

02 Jul 2010 654
Windows . 40th NYC Heritage of Pride Celebration . Chelsea / 8th Avenue . New York City, NY . Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Brooklyn Industries (BKI) http://www.brooklynindustries.com 161 8th Avenue . New York City, NY Visit NYC Heritage of Pride at http://hopinc.org Visit my 40th NYC Pride 2010 Parade & Festival webpage at http://elvertbarnes.com/40thNYCPride2010.html

24 items in total