Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe - 44th Smithsonian F


14 Jan 2013 1491
CD Cover for LOST IN SPACE Uplifting Trance Mix Autumnal 2012 Series October 2012 EXB Mix #2012.29 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/lost-in-space-uplifting-tra... Tracklist at docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1FrpMzXbTpwf2bBmJtU4wnOfH... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: Independence Weekend at 44th Annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the National Mall in Washington DC on Saturday morning, 3 July 2010 by Elvert Barnes Photography Smithsonian Inside Out Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe Visit Smithsonian Folklife Festival at www.festival.si.edu/2010/sio_mysteries_of_the_universe.aspx Visit my 44th Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2010 webpage at elvertbarnes.com/44thSmithsonianFolklifeFestival2010.html See original photo at www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/8071938270/