Earthwatcher's photos with the keyword: bloomery

Burbage Edge and bloomery site from Higger Tor

14 Feb 2016 244
The Burbage Valley and Burbage Edge viewed from Higger Tor. The site of a medieval bloomery (iron smelter) is located in the middle of the photo. There has been extensive tree-felling here in the last couple of years, as can be seen in this and similar views. Here is the same plantation (from a different viewpoint) in 2007.

Medieval bloomery at Burbage, near Sheffield

08 Oct 2007 308
Originally uploaded for the Guesswhere UK group. As well as the location, GWUK bonus points were available for - the name of the hill - the identity of the feature behind me - the identity of the mound This is a view westwards from the Burbage valley. The distant hill on the centre skyline is Higger Tor, comprised of Rivelin (Chatsworth) Grit. On the extreme left skyline is the northern slope of the Carl Wark hill fort. Behind me is Burbage Edge, a popular spot for walkers and climbers. The low mound in the foreground is believed to be a slag heap from a medieval bloomery (iron-smelting site). More details about this and other archaeological features in this area can be found in this report: v6_27-07.pdf The small dark object on the mound is a piece of slag. This was found in the surrounding bracken and placed on the mound by me for the purposes of the photo. It can be seen in more detail here:

Bloomery slag

08 Oct 2007 194
From near the location of a bloomery slag heap thought to be of medieval age, Burbage valley, near Sheffield, South Yorkshire. This was not found in situ on the bloomery slag heap but a few metres away in bracken.