Earthwatcher's photos with the keyword: metamorphic

Windy day on Suaineabhal, West Lewis, Outer Hebrid…

27 Apr 2007 164
Originally uploaded for the Guesswhere UK Group. It was blowing very hard when I took this. This is a view from the summit of Suaineabhal (429m) in West Lewis, looking southwards over Loch Gruineabhat to the mountains of North Harris. Clisham (An Cliseam) is the left-most peak of the centre group which at 799m, is the highest mountain in the Western Isles. Suaineabhal is one of the lesser mountains of West Lewis, but a still a grand and rewarding climb, and its relative isolation from other hills makes for superb views all round from the summit. This is a starkly beautiful, remote landscape, little changed since the retreat of the last ice sheet 11,500 years ago. And now they want to cover it with wind turbines. Grrrrrrr!!!!! Suaineabhal is pronounced something like SWAIN-a-vahl