Earthwatcher's photos with the keyword: granite

The 'Multi-coloured Rock Stop', Loch na Fiacail, S…

30 Mar 2015 1234
A rock cutting on the A838 near Laxford Bridge offers superb exposures of the cross-cutting relationships and deformational history of the Lewisian gneiss, 'Scourie' dykes and later Laxfordian granite pegmatite sheet-like intrusions. There is an information board in the lay-by opposite with diagrams and a concise explanation... ...but more details are given in Goodenough and Krabbendam (2011), below. "Grey quartzo-feldspathic gneisses show a well-developed gneissosity, dipping gently south. Dark-green to black amphibolite-bearing basic sheets also dip gently south and are approximately parallel to the gneissosity. However, detailed examination... shows that the basic sheets have cross-cutting relationships with the gneiss. The basic sheets are probably Scourie Dykes ... but have been deformed into sub-parallelism to the gneissosity by later deformation. Both the gneisses and the basic sheets are cut by a swarm of pegmatitic granite sheets, some of which show boudinage. One of the granite sheets has been dated at c. 1855 Ma." (Goodenough, K. M. & Krabbendam, M. (eds.), 2011. A geological excursion guide to the north-west Highlands of Scotland , British Geological Survey, Edinburgh. p.205)

The 'Multi-couloured Rock Stop' detail 1

30 Mar 2015 332
Detail of the pegmatitic granite showing large crystals of pink feldspar and white quartz, at the 'Multi-couloured Rock Stop' at Loch na Fiacail, Sutherland.

The 'Multi-couloured Rock Stop' detail 2

30 Mar 2015 355
Detail of the pegmatitic granite contact with the amphibolite Scourie Dyke at the 'Multi-couloured Rock Stop' at Loch na Fiacail, Sutherland.

Brown Willy on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall

01 Jan 2012 293
Originally uploaded for the Guesswhere UK Group. Brown Willy is a somewhat degraded granite tor on Bodmin Moor and at 420 m elevation, is the highest point in Cornwall. The viewpoint is from Little Rough Tor, about 1200 m away to the north west.

Showery Tor 2

22 Oct 2012 211
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. Showery Tor (approx 385 m OD) marks the northern end of the Rough Tor ('Rowter') ridge. This view is looking easterly.

Showery Tor 1

22 Oct 2012 202
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. Showery Tor (approx 385 m OD) marks the northern end of the Rough Tor ('Rowter') ridge. This view is looking SSW towards the main Rough Tor summit of Logan Rock (approx 400 m OD) at the southern end.

Showery Tor 3

22 Oct 2012 205
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. Showery Tor (approx 385 m OD) marks the northern end of the Rough Tor ('Rowter') ridge.

Rough Tor from Little Rough Tor

22 Oct 2012 1 214
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. Little Rough Tor (approx 390 m OD) is middle tor of the Rough Tor ('Rowter') ridge. This view is looking SSW towards the main Rough Tor summit of Logan Rock (approx 400 m OD) at the southern end.

Rough Tor from Little Rough Tor cairn

22 Oct 2012 233
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. Little Rough Tor (approx 390 m OD) is middle tor of the Rough Tor ('Rowter') ridge. This view from the cairn is looking SSW towards the main Rough Tor summit of Logan Rock (approx 400 m OD) at the southern end.

View NE from Rough Tor

22 Oct 2012 231
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. A view NE from Rough Tor (approx 400 m OD) looking back towards the minor summits of Little Rough Tor in the middle distance and Showery Tor near the far left.

Small tor on Rough Tor

22 Oct 2012 192
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. This small tor is on the southern flank of the main Rough Tor summit.

View SW from Rough Tor

22 Oct 2012 1 223
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. Looking SW from Logan Rock (approx 400 m), the main summit of Rough Tor at the south west end of the Rough Tor ridge. An airy perch with much of south west Cornwall visible in the distance, the Atlantic Ocean to the extreme right and the English Channel to the extreme left.

Memorial on Rough Tor

22 Oct 2012 201
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. The Memorial is self explanatory. Brown Willy, the highest point in Cornwall at 420 m OD, is visible in the distance.

Brown Willy summit

22 Oct 2012 207
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. View NW from the summit of Brown Willy, 420 m OD, the highest point in Cornwall. Rough Tor is visible at the far left.

View E from Brown Willy

22 Oct 2012 202
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. View east from the summit of Brown Willy, 420 m OD, the highest point in Cornwall. I liked the smooth interlocking ridges of the lower moorland in the middle distance. The high ground on the horizon is Dartmoor.

View S by W from Brown Willy

22 Oct 2012 1 188
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. View south by west from the summit of Brown Willy, 420 m OD, the highest point in Cornwall. The patches of water in the far centre are parts of Colliford Water reservoir.

View SE to Rough Tor

22 Oct 2012 1 230
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. Looking back at the end of the walk towards Rough Tor. I liked the way the sunlight glistened on the rock surfaces. Figures on the skyline provide a scale.

Charlotte Dymond Memorial 1

22 Oct 2012 1 212
A walk on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall The upland area of Bodmin Moor is comprised mainly of granite which is well seen in the isolated tors and the litter of boulders all around them. The Charlotte Dymond Memorial records a gruesome murder at this locality in 1844. Rough Tor is visible in the background.

20 items in total