Earthwatcher's photos with the keyword: volcano

Hyaloclastite: Upper Miller's Dale Lava front at L…

11 Apr 2009 353
Originally uploaded for the Guesswehere UK group. This is the hyaloclastite front formed by the Upper Miller's Dale Lava where it originally flowed into the sea, exposed in Litton Mill Railway cutting on the Monsal Trail in the Peak District National Park, Derbyshire.

English Nature information board, Litton Mill Rail…

11 Apr 2009 506
A photo of the rather faded English Nature information board explaining the formation of the hyaloclastite where the Upper Miller's Dale lava flowed into the Dinantian sea in Lower Carboniferous times.

Columnar jointed sill at Calton Hill quarry, Derby…

29 Feb 2008 220
Originally uploaded for the Guesswhere UK group. Calton Hill quarry was worked for basalt (roadstone or railway ballast, I think) but closed quite a number of years ago. The quarry exposed a complex section through a volcanic vent and associated dolerite sill. The columns in centre of the photo are part of the sill, but there are also an extensive series of basalt lavas, tuffs (volcanic ash) and vent agglomerates ( shattered and fragmented rock that has fallen back into the former volcano crater) some of which can be seen in the darker, finer grained material in the upper part of the cliff. The quarry was partly used as a landfill site, but that is now completed, capped and grassed over. The steep grassy slope with thin terraces in the upper left is the front limit of the landfill.

Caldera Taburiente 2, La Palma

04 Apr 2006 3 140
Caldera Taburiente, La Palma, Canary Islands.

La Palma dyke

04 Apr 2006 1 118
Dyke with small-scale columnar jointing, Caldera Taburiente, La Palma, Canary Islands

Caldera Taburiente 1, La Palma

04 Apr 2006 1 109
Caldera Taburiente, La Palma, Canary Islands.

Great Slab

21 Apr 2006 126
The Great Slab on Bowfell - a fantastic feature comprised of a tilted bedding surface of water-lain tuff (volcanic ash). I've watched many walkers pass by within yards of this, en-route to the summit cairn (behind the photographer), yet remaining completely unaware of its existence.