Obsessed with Film's photos with the keyword: folder

Last swim before winter

25 Sep 2019 10 2 483
Mamiya Six IVb with Olympus D.Zuiko F.C. 1:3.5 75mm Fomapan 100 Diafine 6+4 minutes with prewash
02 Jul 2013 6 4 913
Iskra Industar 58 f3.5/75mm @f/4 T-Max 400 Rodinal1+50,10 mins @ 20°C I had planned to do this photoshoot with my Kiev 88CM but the shutter jammed unexpectedly already after the first shot . The only other camera in my bag was my russian 6x6 folder Iskra, but I decided to give it a try anyway. The results turned out much better than I dared to expect even though composing through the tiny viewfinder was a bit challenging at times. Cropped from square to vertical format.

Midsummer night bonfire

02 Jul 2013 4 380
Iskra Industar 58 f3.5/75mm @f/4 Shanghai GP3 Rodinal1+50,15 mins @ 20°C Unfortunately, this turned out to be one of those rolls of Shanghai GP3 where the texture and imprints of the paper backing show up on the picture (see foreground)...