Obsessed with Film's photos with the keyword: Rodinal

Photoshoot 10. Feb. 2025 - 1

12 Feb 2025 62
Shot on film: Mamiya C3 Sekor 135mm f/4.5 Kentmere 100 Rodinal 1+50 15min

Photoshoot 10. Feb. 2025 - 2

12 Feb 2025 49
Shot on film: Pentax 6x7 Takumar 150mm f/2.8 Rollei Ortho 25 Plus Rodinal 1+100 12 min


20 Aug 2024 3 1 137
Shot on X-ray film: Rittreck View Camera with 8x10 film back Schneider Kreuznach Symmar 240/5.6 + yellow filter Kodak MIN-R S, rated @ISO100, developed in Rodinal 1+100, 4min

Spring in Sjundby

22 Apr 2023 1 234
Shot on film with a DIY 3D printed 4x5 point&shoot camera: Lens: Ortagoz 135mm f/4.5 from the 1930´s @ f/12.5 Film: Fomapan 100 Dev: Rodinal 1+50, 9 min @ 20C

Mountains near Mestia Georgia

18 Nov 2017 3 5 584
Kiev 60 Arsat 30mm/f3.5 Fomapan 100, Rodinal 1+50 9mins

Evil Stepmother, part II

12 Oct 2013 3 1 825
Kiev 88CM Arsat 80mm f/2.8 T-Max 100 @ 100 Rodinal 1+50, 12 mins@20C

Autumn leaves

13 Oct 2013 3 647
Kiev 88 CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Adox CHS50 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min@20C


13 Oct 2013 1 559
Kiev 88 CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Adox CHS50 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min@20C


31 Aug 2013 5 1 981
Kiev 60 Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 50mm f/4 Shanghai GP3 Rodinal 1+50, 15 min @20C Shanghai GP3 at its best - one of the batches without the notorious backing paper problem.

Auburn Speedster

31 Aug 2013 3 705
Kiev 60 Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 50mm f/4 Adox CHS50 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min @20C no post-processing

Hillbilly Car

20 Aug 2013 5 606
Kiev 60 Shanghai GP3 Rodinal 1+50


10 Aug 2013 10 6 739
Vermeer 5x7 large format pinhole camera Focal length 60mm, f/300 (0.2mm pinhole) Shot on 13x18 green-sensitive x-ray film, rated @ISO50 45 seconds exposure time Tray developed in Rodinal 1+150, 7 mins @ 20°C

Midsummer night bonfire

02 Jul 2013 4 379
Iskra Industar 58 f3.5/75mm @f/4 Shanghai GP3 Rodinal1+50,15 mins @ 20°C Unfortunately, this turned out to be one of those rolls of Shanghai GP3 where the texture and imprints of the paper backing show up on the picture (see foreground)...

Smoky eyes

07 Jun 2013 9 1 1290
Kiev 88CM Vega 12b 90mm/2.8 HP5+ Rodinal 1+50

In touch with the past

25 May 2013 6 1 1084
Kiev 88 CM CZJ Biometar 120mm/2.8 Efke 25 Rodinal 1+100, 17 min @ 20°C

Feather girl

25 May 2013 7 4 1094
Kiev 88 CM Vega 12b 90mm/2.8, fully opened Fomapan 100 @100 Rodinal 1+50, 9 min @ 20°C