Obsessed with Film's photos with the keyword: black&white

January sun

12 Feb 2021 2 270
Hasselblad 500C Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 Ilford HP5+ Diafine 4+3 mins

Enjoying the summer breeze

22 Jul 2020 2 250
Pentax 6x7 SMC Takumar 105mm f/2.4 T-Max400 Rodinal 1-50 12min @20C

Last swim before winter

25 Sep 2019 10 2 482
Mamiya Six IVb with Olympus D.Zuiko F.C. 1:3.5 75mm Fomapan 100 Diafine 6+4 minutes with prewash

Go with the flow

16 Apr 2019 1 169
Nikon F Nikkor-S 50mm/1.4 Efke25 Diafine 4+4min

Evil Stepmother

12 Oct 2013 5 2 1012
Kiev 88CM Arsat 80mm f/2.8 T-Max 100 @ 100 Rodinal 1+50, 12 mins@20C

Chocolate business

13 Oct 2013 2 535
Chocolate body painting at local Arts Festival Yashica Electro GSN Kodak TMax 400 @ISO400 Rodinal 1+50

Autumn leaves

13 Oct 2013 3 647
Kiev 88 CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Adox CHS50 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min@20C


13 Oct 2013 1 559
Kiev 88 CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Adox CHS50 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min@20C

When dreams come true

30 Aug 2013 6 1 1131
Kiev 88CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Shanghai GP3 @ISO100 (a batch with very severe backing paper artifact issues) Rodinal 1+50
30 Aug 2013 6 4 655
Kiev 88CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Shanghai GP3, pulled to ISO25 Rodinal 1+50, 9 minutes@20C Same batch of film as the previous picture, but this roll was pulled by 2 stops which significantly reduced the backing paper issue, even though it still remains slightly visible at close observation.

Once upon a time there was a house

29 Sep 2013 2 750
Kiev 88CM CZJ Flektogon 50mm f/4 Efke 25 Rodinal 1+100, 18min @20C

The figure

02 Sep 2013 8 701
Kiev 60 Arsat 80mm f/2.8, wide open Efke 25 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min @ 20C

Midsummer night bonfire

02 Jul 2013 4 379
Iskra Industar 58 f3.5/75mm @f/4 Shanghai GP3 Rodinal1+50,15 mins @ 20°C Unfortunately, this turned out to be one of those rolls of Shanghai GP3 where the texture and imprints of the paper backing show up on the picture (see foreground)...
02 Jul 2013 6 4 913
Iskra Industar 58 f3.5/75mm @f/4 T-Max 400 Rodinal1+50,10 mins @ 20°C I had planned to do this photoshoot with my Kiev 88CM but the shutter jammed unexpectedly already after the first shot . The only other camera in my bag was my russian 6x6 folder Iskra, but I decided to give it a try anyway. The results turned out much better than I dared to expect even though composing through the tiny viewfinder was a bit challenging at times. Cropped from square to vertical format.

Dreaming of a kiss

20 Jun 2013 2 972
Kiev 88 CM Vega 12b 90mm f/2.8 @f/4 T-Max 400 Rodinal 1+50

High and low

07 Jun 2013 3 298
Kiev 88CM CZJ Flektogon 50mm/4.0 Fomapan 100 @100 Rodinal 1+50

Feather girl

25 May 2013 7 4 1093
Kiev 88 CM Vega 12b 90mm/2.8, fully opened Fomapan 100 @100 Rodinal 1+50, 9 min @ 20°C