Obsessed with Film's photos with the keyword: analogue


11 Apr 2021 1 1 272
Shot on film: Hasselblad 500C Carl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 Shanghai GP3 Diafine 4+4 minutes

Next bus sometime next week

11 Apr 2021 3 317
Hasselblad 500C Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 Shanghai GP3 Diafine 4+4 minutes

January sun

12 Feb 2021 2 270
Hasselblad 500C Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 Ilford HP5+ Diafine 4+3 mins

Lucky knob

16 Aug 2020 1 2 272
Pentax 6x7 SMC Macro Takumar 135mm f/4 Fomapan 200 Rodinal 1+50, 11min @ 20C

After the rain

16 Aug 2020 2 246
Pentax 6x7 SMC Takumar 135mm f/4 macro Fomapan 200 Rodinal 1+50, 11min @ 20C

Enjoying the summer breeze

22 Jul 2020 2 250
Pentax 6x7 SMC Takumar 105mm f/2.4 T-Max400 Rodinal 1-50 12min @20C

Last swim before winter

25 Sep 2019 10 2 482
Mamiya Six IVb with Olympus D.Zuiko F.C. 1:3.5 75mm Fomapan 100 Diafine 6+4 minutes with prewash

Are you talking to me?

16 Apr 2019 3 3 401
Nikon F Nikkor-S 50mm/1.4 Efke25 Diafine 4+4min

Mountains near Mestia Georgia

18 Nov 2017 3 5 582
Kiev 60 Arsat 30mm/f3.5 Fomapan 100, Rodinal 1+50 9mins

Evil Stepmother, part II

12 Oct 2013 3 1 825
Kiev 88CM Arsat 80mm f/2.8 T-Max 100 @ 100 Rodinal 1+50, 12 mins@20C

Evil Stepmother

12 Oct 2013 5 2 1012
Kiev 88CM Arsat 80mm f/2.8 T-Max 100 @ 100 Rodinal 1+50, 12 mins@20C

Chocolate business

13 Oct 2013 2 535
Chocolate body painting at local Arts Festival Yashica Electro GSN Kodak TMax 400 @ISO400 Rodinal 1+50

Autumn leaves

13 Oct 2013 3 647
Kiev 88 CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Adox CHS50 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min@20C


13 Oct 2013 1 559
Kiev 88 CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Adox CHS50 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min@20C
30 Aug 2013 6 4 655
Kiev 88CM Arsat 80mm/2.8 Shanghai GP3, pulled to ISO25 Rodinal 1+50, 9 minutes@20C Same batch of film as the previous picture, but this roll was pulled by 2 stops which significantly reduced the backing paper issue, even though it still remains slightly visible at close observation.

Once upon a time there was a house

29 Sep 2013 2 750
Kiev 88CM CZJ Flektogon 50mm f/4 Efke 25 Rodinal 1+100, 18min @20C

The figure

02 Sep 2013 8 701
Kiev 60 Arsat 80mm f/2.8, wide open Efke 25 Rodinal 1+100, 18 min @ 20C


31 Aug 2013 5 1 978
Kiev 60 Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 50mm f/4 Shanghai GP3 Rodinal 1+50, 15 min @20C Shanghai GP3 at its best - one of the batches without the notorious backing paper problem.

24 items in total