Badly's photos with the keyword: St Margaret's Bay

White houses on the beach

Deco detail


24 Jul 2017 122
Crambe maritima, with bobbly berries

Rock Samphire

24 Jul 2017 148
Crithmum maritimum (with a bit of seakale on the right).

Crittall windows

White houses on the beach

White houses on the beach

Boat shed


24 Jul 2017 143
over there

Dover ferry arriving

Churchill's view

W S Churchill

24 Jul 2017 138
"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills - we shall never surrender."

Green roof and sea view

24 Jul 2017 221

Roof lantern

24 Jul 2017 179

Good Luck

Sea view

24 Jul 2017 180